Social aspects of education integration (based on survey findings on uniform state examination and education affordability)
Автор: Kolacheva Nataliya V., Kosheleva Nataliya N., Pardala Antoni Ya.
Журнал: Интеграция образования @edumag-mrsu
Рубрика: Международный опыт интеграции образования
Статья в выпуске: 4 (89), 2017 года.
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Introduction: the purpose of this article is to study the opinion of interested and non-professional segment of society regarding the Uniform State Exam on mathematics and affordability of higher education in Russia. The authors checked the hypothesis of interconnection between social opinion and changes in the exam procedure, economic and socio-demographic situation, educational system reformation and integration of educational space in the RF and other countries. Materials and Methods: we studied the survey data of students in Togliatti State University, their parents or legal representatives between 2009-2016. We processed the results by methods of probability assessment with the help of complex features reflecting possibilities of the applicants admitted to higher educational institutions and social affordability of higher education. Results: we theoretically grounded and developed the method of social opinion study about the Uniform State Exam and affordability of higher education in the region. Dynamics of social opinion was studied with the help of adapted probability rates describing either quantitative or qualitative features of social processes. We studied and analyzed scientific papers devoted to the attitude of society to secondary school final exams, admission to higher education institutions, and social mobility of the applicants and determined theoretical background of education space integration with the education systems of other countries. Discussion and Conclusions: the research showed that even in the region with visible economic and so-cio-demographic problems the concerned part of society gradually understands that the Uniform State Exam serves to keep education quality in the country making it more affordable. The results of the study may be useful to specialists in the field of education, as well as interesting to the general public.
Mathematics uniform state exam, affordability of higher education, higher education institution, education integration, social opinion, social mobility of applicants and students
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 147137229 | DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.089.021.201704.580-595
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