Статьи журнала - Pravo - teorija i praksa

Все статьи: 559

Digital assets – a legal approach to the regulation of the new property law institute

Digital assets – a legal approach to the regulation of the new property law institute

Predrag Mirković

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Development of a digital technology has transformed the way in which an individual, a social group or community, i.e. a state, interacts in their domains of interest. The application of a digital technology, especially ICT, has caused the need to review whether the existing legislative solutions correspond to such news, or whether it is necessary to change or supplement the legal system of the state with new regulations. One of such issues refers to the creation of new types of assets identified as digital assets or the assets based on the creation of a digital technology. The subject of the research paper is the analysis of the institute of digital property with a special reference to the legislative domain of the way of issuing digital property. In his work, the author affirmed the issue of the importance of the legislative challenge in the standardization of relevant social phenomena and relations in the age of the intensive development and application of a digital technology. The aim of the work was achieved in the domain of the conducted normative analysis of the relevant provisions of the Digital Property Act in the part referring to the legislative approach to standardizing the concept of the digital property institute, as well as the particular issues from the domain of issuing digital property.


Digital transformation of the Business Registers Agency in the function of the modern digital society

Digital transformation of the Business Registers Agency in the function of the modern digital society

Milica Vasić, Petar Bulatović

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Digitalization strongly affects the economy and society as a whole in different dimensions. The process of digitalization of the Business Registers Agency, including the registration procedure of business entities, is one of the priority tasks aimed at increasing efficiency and economy as well as economic prosperity in general. Certainly, there is a prerequisite referring to the existence of digital literacy, which is not an isolated category, but rather a superstructure of earlier forms of literacy. It is undeniable that every innovation arises as a privilege of the higher social classes, which, by inertia, turns into a need of the others. In this paper, it has been analyzed the legislative framework of electronic registration of business entities. Starting from the point of view that economic growth, competitiveness on the market, and socio-economic development represent the nowadays necessity, the authors, through this paper, primarily try to define the achieved progress of the work of the Business Registers Agency (BRA) in registering business entities in the digitalization process. The quintessence of this work is the identification of the availability of digital tools for the registration of economic entities, as well as their quantification and qualification.


Dinamika ekonomskih reformi - uloga sive ekonomije u zemljama u tranziciji

Dinamika ekonomskih reformi - uloga sive ekonomije u zemljama u tranziciji

Šćepanović Renka

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Transfromacija bivših socijalističkih zemalja Evrope privukla je ogromnu pažnju svetske naučne zajednice, kako iz akademskih tako i iz ekonomskih i političkih razloga. Poučeni iskustvom zemalja latinske Amerike koje su par decenija ranije prolazile kroz sličan period paralelne demokratizacije i transformacije u otvorene, tržišne ekonomije, mnogi stručnjaci su tada predvideli teška vremena za tranicione zemlje Evrope, upozoravajući na destabilizacioni efekat koji proizilazi iz simultanog odvijanja ova dva procesa i njihovih unutrašnjih sukoba. Posledica toga je da se većina analitičara i savetnika dala u zagovaranje nekog oblika 'insulacije' izvršne vlasti od većinske volje, 'depolitizacije reformi' ili implementacije radikalnih ekonomskih programa koji isključuju mogućnost povratka na stari kurs. Danas, sve manja izlaznost na izborima i učestali izlivi javnih protesta i demonstracija od strane politički ekstremnih ili zapostavljenih grupa stanovništva izazivaju zabrinutost iz potpuno suprotnih razloga. Paradoksalno, jedno od najozbiljnijih pitanja u regionu danas je upravo pitanje, zašto protesta nije bilo, i zašto to može biti loše za kvalitet, a možda i stabilnost post-tranzicione demokratije i privrede uopšte. U ovom radu se kao razlog neobične trpeljivosti građana post-socijalističkih zemalja ističe uloga i razvoj sive ekonomije i razvija teza da upravo ovaj fenomen konstituiše mehanizam, koji pomaže stabilizaciju sveukupnih reformi ali i doprinosi njihovom nižem kvalitetu.


Dinamika razvoja međunarodne regulative u oblasti osiguranja i finansiranja izvoza uz podršku države - OECD Konsenzus

Dinamika razvoja međunarodne regulative u oblasti osiguranja i finansiranja izvoza uz podršku države - OECD Konsenzus

Vapa Tankosić Jelena

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U svrhu finansiranja i osiguranja međunarodne trgovine, kao jedan od glavnih postulata razvoja privrede, specijalizovane državne finansijske institucije su osnovane još 1934. godine sa misijom da pruže odgovarajuću podršku izvozu i time doprinesu njegovoj ekspanziji. Izvozni krediti koje obezbeđuju agencije za osiguranje i finansiranje izvoza mogu biti u obliku direktnog kreditiranja izvoza sa rokom otplate od 2 godina do 10 čak i 15 godina, i indirektno u obliku izdavanja osiguranja ili garancije, koju agencija izdaje najčešće u ime i za račun Države, u cilju podrške komercijalnog kredita. Sama praksa osiguranja i finansiranja izvoza u svetu je oblikovana od strane razvijenih zemalja članica OECD-a Sporazumom o smernicama za osiguranje i finansiranje izvoza sa zvaničnom državnom podrškom koji je nastao u cilju sprečavanja 'rata državnih izvoznih subvencija'. Ovaj članak će istražiti na koji način jedan neformalni džentlmenski sporazum poznat kao OECD Konsenzus uređuje oblast globalne trgovine, osiguranja i finansiranja izvoza. Ono što ga čini izuzetnim je činjenica da ovaj multidimenzional sporazum spada u kategoriju 'mekih zakona'. Ovaj članak ima za cilj da prikaže evoluciju sporazuma od skromnog kartela kreditora do snažne i moćne sile za unapređenje međunarodne i domaće ekonomske politike.


Diversion model of responding to juvenile delinquency and the role of the social welfare system

Diversion model of responding to juvenile delinquency and the role of the social welfare system

Danica Vasiljević-Prodanović, Milica Kovačević

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Advocating for the widest possible diversionary response to juvenile delinquency is a general trend and a key tendency of modern juvenile criminal law. Scientific research and the focus on the best interests of the child strongly support the aforementioned facts. However, there is arisen a question concerning the fact how the general and abstract support for diversion and suspension of criminal proceedings, and transferring the juvenile offenders to the social welfare system, is reflected in everyday practice. Therefore, the paper starts with some introductory considerations about the concept and positive aspects of the diversion model, followed by the review of certain criticisms addressed to it. We devote the central part of the paper to the analysis of data related to Serbia and the social welfare service in Belgrade, in order to test the hypothesis of insufficiency of support for the diversion model in practice. The aim of this paper is to conceptualize recommendations for improving the practice of dealing with juvenile offenders in the juvenile justice system. We used an analytical-synthetic approach with the use of content analysis, normative, comparative and descriptive-statistical method.


Divorce by mutual agreement and notary

Divorce by mutual agreement and notary

Tanja Mitrović S.

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Divorce by mutual agreement is subject to a court procedure, but in most countries a notarial procedure is applied in the case of a consensual divorce. In this article, the topic of discussion is a conventional divorce, which is characterized by the fact that the dissolution of marriage is solely the result of the consensual will of two spouses. In our legislation, a con sensual divorce is not entrusted to notaries. The aim of this paper is to outline the advantages and limitations of a divorce proceedings with notaries, and what the rights and obligations of notaries are in the event of solving such disputes. Also, the paper presents the postulates of divorce by a notary public in the practice of Great Britain, so that the best practice can be taken over and successfully implemented in the legal system of our country.


Dobrovoljna likvidacija privrednih društava

Dobrovoljna likvidacija privrednih društava

Marković Velisav

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Dobrovoljna likvidacija privrednih društava je redovan način prestanka privrednih društava. Likvidacija društva počinje danom registracije odluke o likvidaciji i objavljivanjem oglasa o pokretanju likvidacije u Registru privrednih subjekata koji vodi Agencija za privredne registre u skladu sa Zakonom o postupku registracije u Agenciji za privredne registre a prestaje brisanjem društva iz Registra. Likvidacioni upravnik zastupa privredno društvo u likvidaciji i odgovoran je za vođenje poslova društva i isplatu potraživanja poveriocima. Za vreme postupka likvidacije privredno društvo ima ograničenu pravnu i poslovnu sposobnost. Pokretanjem postupka likvidacije prestaje radni odnos zaposlenima. U radu su prikazani pravni aspekti dobrovoljne likvidacije privrednih društava - osnovni pojmovi; ovlašćenja, dužnosti i odgovornosti likvidacionog upravnika; pravne posledice pokretanja postupka likvidacije; posledice po zaposlene i poverioce; prava i odgovornosti osnivača društva koje se likvidira. Autor je, koristeći sudsku praksu, posebno osvetlio sporne situacije.


Dokumentacija i obeležavanje vozila u drumskom saobraćaju

Dokumentacija i obeležavanje vozila u drumskom saobraćaju

Šipovac Radica, Čavić Ana, Šipovac Vladimir

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Ekonomska uloga i značaj drumskog saobraćaja u privredi većine nacionalnih ekonomija bitna je komponenta razvoja i instrument ostvarivanja finansijskih sredstava. Pravni instrumenti, kao sredstva za ostvarenje cilja, treba da su tako postavljeni da doprinose pravnoj uređenosti i sigurnosti nacionalne ekonomije, da se međusobno ne isključuju nego da doprinose razvoju drumskog saobraćaja, brzom i bezbednom prevozu robe i ostvarivanju ekonomskih efekata. Savremeni tokovi prometa zahtevaju kombinovanje različitih vidova saobraćaja i razvijenu saobraćajnu infrastrukturu ali i harmonizovana pravna pravila, dokumentaciju i obeležavanje vozila u drumskom saobraćaju, evidencije o efikasnosti troškova maziva i goriva u sistemu poreza na dodatu vrednost, ujednačena pravila prevoza u drumskom saobraćaju za sopstvene potrebe i dokumentaciju koja se drži u vozilima.


Domestic violence – the position of the child in violence suffered by the parent as a victim

Domestic violence – the position of the child in violence suffered by the parent as a victim

Dalibor Krstinić, Milan Počuča, Đorđe Sančanin

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Domestic violence, regardless of how it is manifested, represents a phenomenon which has recently attracted more and more significant doctrinal and media attention and it is a very complex problem. There are numerous questions about domestic violence to which this paper tried to provide answers. However, it is important to point out that domestic violence is not the only type of violence to which a child can be exposed, or to which he/she can be connected in an indirect or direct way. Bearing in mind that one form of violence predominantly causes and entails the other forms of violence to which a child can be exposed, and even find him/herself in the capacity of being a bully, the authors of the paper considered it important to briefly mention the other forms of violence in which the center of attention can be the child, such as digital violence and violence in schools. The focus of the paper has certainly concerned the position of the child in situations where violence against one of the parents (mostly against the mother) by the other parent (mostly the father) occurs. The conclusion is that the direct or indirect child’s presence and/or his/her knowledge of the violence suffered by the mother is actually an extremely negative pattern of behavior being adopted by the majority of children during their development.


EU producers at the mercy of Chinese competitors?

EU producers at the mercy of Chinese competitors?

Žunić Tijana

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Like any other WTO member the EU is entitled to use antidumping measures to protect its market from certain imports in the case of unfair competition. As far as China is concerned, the EU has extensively been using the 'analogue country' method for calculation of anti-dumping margin, as a method applicable for non-market economies, which enabled it to protect domestic producers from low Chinese prices. However, on 16th December 2016 this country will be granted a full market economy status within the WTO, as enshrined in Article 15 (d) of the China's Accession Protocol. This effectively means that the EU will not be able to charge such a high anti-dumping duty to Chinese products and shield domestic industry from a fierce competition. This article argues that the EU treatment of Chinese exporters was based on trade protectionism, and that, due to the forced change in December 2016, the internal market will face danger after China is granted a full market economy status.


Ekonomska politika Evropske unije

Ekonomska politika Evropske unije

Marković Slobodan, Lazić Biljana

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Oduvek je Evropska unija izazivala najrazličitije reakcije, pogotovo u našoj zemlji, gde aktuelnost pitanja priključenja Uniji iz dana u dan sve više dobija na značaju. Stavovi su mnogobrojni i veoma suprotstavljeni, pa se otuda javlja nužna potreba za izučavanjem ključnih karakteristika i načina funkcionisanja ove moćne međudržavne zajednice. Slobodno možemo konstatovati da Evropska unija predstavlja jedan od najrazvijenijih i najuspešnije realizovanih oblika ekonomske i političke integracije u svetu. Neizostavno se mora naglasiti da je Unija prošla veoma dug i naporan put sopstvenog razvoja, uložila značajna sredstva i preduzela mnogobrojne aktivnosti kako bi sebi obezbedila današnji položaj u svetu. Evropskoj uniji u budućnosti predstoje dalja proširenja, prijem novih zemalja u članstvo i konstantno jačanje međusobne saradnje i povezanosti zemalja članica. Interesantna pojava je da su zemlje članice prihvatile zajedničke ciljeve koje Unija propagira, pristale da unificiranju sopstvene politike i priklone se nadnacionalnom interesu. U daljem toku rada ćemo se ukratko podsetiti osnovnih obeležja Evropske unije, njenih članica i faza u procesu proširivanja. Zatim, detaljnije će biti obrađen sistem zajedničke ekonomske politike čijom realizacijom unija teži da ostvari sopstvene, a takođe i pojedinačne, nacionalne ciljeve i interese svojih članica. Upoznaćemo se sa osnovnim parcijalnim politikama u sistemu zajedničke ekonomske politike EU, kao i instrumentima njihovog ostvarivanja. Zaključnim razmatranjem ćemo ukazati na perspektive budućeg razvoja Evropske unije i njen ogroman značaj u ukupnim svetskim tokovima.


Ekonomsko-pravni aspekti transporta Dunavom u funkciji pridruživanja zemalja zapadnog Balkana Evropskoj uniji

Ekonomsko-pravni aspekti transporta Dunavom u funkciji pridruživanja zemalja zapadnog Balkana Evropskoj uniji

Vapa Tankosić Jelena, Medović Vladimir, Stojsavljević Miroslav

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Ovaj rad analizira proces primene i usvajanja zajedničke transportne politike Evropske unije od strane zemalja zapadnog Balkana kao veoma važan korak u uspostavljanju kako boljih međusobnih veza i odnosa ovih zemalja, tako i njihovog približavanja Evropskoj uniji. Kvalitetnija prekogranična trgovina i saradnja zemalja zapadnog Balkana je važan element budućeg razvoja ovih država. Značajnu ulogu u ovim procesima imaju i deregulacija i liberalizacija tržišta transporta. U ovom radu se razmatra trenutna situacija na polju zakonske regulative transporta u regionu, kao i transportna infrastruktura, pogotovo uloga Dunava kao evropskog i regionalnog saobraćajnog koridora. Poređenjem podataka o stepenu korišćenja rečnog saobraćaja pokazuje se da ovaj resurs nije iskorišćen na zadovoljavajući način, ali i da predstavlja značajan potencijal na koji treba računati u budućnosti.


Eksproprijacija kao način prestanka ili ograničenja stvarnih prava

Eksproprijacija kao način prestanka ili ograničenja stvarnih prava

Džudović Marinko

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U ovom radu ćemo se osvrnuti na pravnu regulaciju eksproprijacije u Bosni i Hercegovini, sa naročitim osvrtom na međunarodne akte regulisanja prava svojine. Međutim, imovina, odnosno pravo vlasništva su u Bosni i Hercegovini imali veoma burnu sudbinu koju karakteriše nizak nivo sigurnosti, česta nasilna izuzimanja, te stoga pravo vlasništva na našim prostorima često nije uživalo zaštitu koja se tradicionalno propisuje. Tako su u praksi, zabeleženi brojni slučajevi neopravdanog izuzimanja ili ograničavanja prava vlasništva, između ostalog i putem eksproprijacije. Novi propisi su još uvek u određenoj meri baštine rešenja i stanovišta ranijeg pravnog sistema, ali su ipak na tragu jednog drugačijeg koncepta kojim se pravo vlasništva tretira na jedan adekvatiniji način. U ovom delu se može konstatovati da predmetni propisi prate rešenja nacrta Zakona o stvarnim pravima, koji propisuje jedinstvo, jednovrsnost i jednakost, odnosno jednaku zaštitu prava vlasništva i drugih stvarnih prava, bez obzira ko je titular istih.


Electronic banking

Electronic banking

Kovačević Maja S., Đurović Milan S.

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Electronic money and electronic banking represents a result of the wide application of the information and communication technologies. The paper contains an analysis of characteristics, factors of development and economic effects of the electronic money and electronic banking. In this paper we start from the hypothesis that the electronic money and electronic banking is necessary as a form of marketing communication, because it positively affects the speed and efficiency of operations.


Elektronski način plaćanja - EFT

Elektronski način plaćanja - EFT

Bejatović Milorad M., Kovačević Maja S.

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Elektronsko poslovanje i njegov sastavni deo elektronska trgovina su novije pojave u savremenom poslovanju, tačnije u trgovini, pravu, poslovnim odnosima između pojedinaca (fizičkih lica), zatim pojedinaca i privrednih organizacija, a najviše između banaka kao i banaka i njihovih klijenata. Pojave kao što su: elektronski potpisi, elektronska razmena podataka, elektronski način plaćanja, kućno bankarstvo, virtuelne prodavnice i kupovina putem Interneta kao i zaključivanje ugovora i najrazličitijih vrsta poslova putem Interneta i druge pojave, doprinele su brzini, kvalitetu i kvantitetu učinjenih poslovnih transakcija, a sve to sa manjim utroškom sredstava. Kao i svaki drugi vid poslovnog odnosa, i ovaj ima svoje nedostatke koji se ogledaju u tome što je nov i pravno nije u potpunosti regulisan, sa brojnim prazninama naročito u nacionalnim zakonodavstvima: sigurnost samih poslovnih transakcija može biti ugrožena na različite načine obzirom da je u pitanju zaključivanje poslova putem WWW-a. Zakon je urađen u skladu sa savremenim načelima u oblasti e-poslovanja i e-trgovine obzirom da treba da udovolji zahtevima i potrebama prakse, prvenstveno poslovnih ljudi, kojima je u interesu da imaju pravnu osnovu na koju mogu da se oslone.


Endangering the public traffic – criminal law regulation and practical doubts

Endangering the public traffic – criminal law regulation and practical doubts

Mladen Milošević, Božidar Banović

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Due to their frequency and importance, traffic crimes are an important subject of theoretical study. Violation of traffic regulations is sanctioned by the norms of misdemeanor and criminal law, which makes this area complex, but also leads to certain difficulties in the interpretation and application of law. The authors thorougly analyze the legal description of the criminal offense of endangering the public transport and its qualified forms. A particular attention is paid to the the interpretation of certain subjective and objective elements of this criminal offense (consequence, mens rea and objective conditions of incrimination). The authors point out certain inconsistencies in the court practice and propose legislative changes to improve criminal protection and establish a more legitimate and pragmatic distinction between criminal and misdemeanor acts.


Enforcement of public notary documents

Enforcement of public notary documents

Dalibor Krstinić , Sara Zarubica

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By passing the Law on Public Notaries, the Serbian legislator regulates the issue of the operation of public notaries, their services and activities. The modern public notary practice represents a specific legal activity which contributes to the rise of legal security and the de-congestion of courts. It also leads to a more efficient exercise of the citizens rights and the realization of their civil rights much faster and more easily. A public notary performs a public service autonomously and independently being the party’s independent commissioner, and his/her participation in preparing the documents attests to their truthfulness and content. As a result, public notary documents occupy a significant place in contemporary legal transactions. According to the Law on Public Notaries, public notary documents have the property of enforceability, under certain conditions they can provide a basis to directly institute enforcement proceedings before a court of law when the stipulated conditions are satisfied. It is deemed a positive and very useful legal solution, because of which the authors will, in this paper, point out some relevant key points and specific features regarding the enforcement of public notary documents.


Ethical and legal aspects of public relations

Ethical and legal aspects of public relations

Milovan Vuković, Dejan Dašić, Aleksandra Vuković

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Public Relations (PR), a significant component of the media industry, also represents a management function that helps establish and maintain beneficial connections between the organization and various stakeholders. The evolution of the public relations profession is commonly perceived as a qualitative shift from the unethical practices that dominated several decades since the 1920s to strategically and ethically conducted campaigns in contemporary business. However, when considering the practice of PR in the first decades of the 21st century, numerous concerns arise regarding ethical dilemmas, conflicts, and, consequently, the ethical decisionmaking process. The main objective of this paper is to offer an overview of ethics and its development in PR. The application of ethical principles based on utilitarian, deontological, situational and virtue approaches is discussed. This study also analyzes the most frequently encountered ethical problems in contemporary PR practice. Finally, the paper delves into some models of the ethical decision-making process and discusses the legal consequences of PR.


Etiology and phenomenology of violence against children

Etiology and phenomenology of violence against children

Maja Petrović

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The attitude of the society towards children is conditioned by its cultural, social, economic, and political aspects. However, violence against children is a historical phenomenon present in every society, regardless of its level of development. The responsibility lies with the state and society to enable and ensure the equality of children’s rights with other members of the community and to protect children from violence, considering the fact that children cannot do this by themselves. Destructiveness of the consequences of violence against children indicates the necessity of a systematic fight against this phenomenon. The subject of this paper is to present the etiology of violence against children, i.e., the causes influencing the influx of violence against children, as well as the phenomenological aspect of this occurrence. In this context, this paper aims to indicate the causes, characteristics, and manifestations of violence against children through the presentation of empirical knowledge. The forms of violence against children overlap, but it is necessary to distinguish them in order to create more effective measures of their prevention and suppression.

