Статьи журнала - Pravo - teorija i praksa

Все статьи: 676

Evropska ekonomska interesna grupacija (EEIG) - oblik povezivanja privrednih subjekata država Evropske unije

Evropska ekonomska interesna grupacija (EEIG) - oblik povezivanja privrednih subjekata država Evropske unije

Milosavljević Jelena

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U radu se izučava Evropska ekonomska interesna grupacija (EEIG), kao poseban oblik povezivanja privrednih subjekata država Evropske unije (EU) koji imaju sedišta u različitim državama članicama EU, kao i njihova međusobna saradnja. Prilikom razmatranja navedenog pitanja, korišćen je normativni metod, tako što je analizirana Uredba sa kojom je Ministarstvo EU utvrdilo i uredilo ovaj institut. Dato je pojmovno određenje EEIG, osnivanje i registracija, delatnost, odgovornost za obaveze stvorene u pravnom prometu, kao i prestanak EEIG. Na kraju, dat je odgovarajući zaključak, koji sadrži rezultate istraživanja, sa određenim predlozima.


Evropska kompanija (SE)

Evropska kompanija (SE)

Milosavljević Miroslav

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U ovom radu autor se bavi pitanjem evropske kompanije, počev od prve ideje o njenom nastanku kao privrednog društva tipa akcionarskog društva, sa transnacionalnim i nadnacionalnim karakteristikama. Ovo praktično znači da evropska kompanija treba da postoji i posluje na teritoriji više država a da njena celokupna pravna regulativa bude izvan nacionalnih zakonodavstava i važi za sve delove evropske kompanije koji se nalaze u različitim državama Evropske Unije. Pošto se pokazalo da je nemoguće ustanoviti nadnacionalnu pravnu regulativu, autor se, dalje bavi pitanjem razgraničenja nadnacionalnog i nacionalnog putem sistema upućivanja i opcija. Posebno je, u ovom radu, iskazano dužno interesovanje za osnivanje evropske kompanije, za upravljanje istom, kao i za njen prestanak.


Evropska unija i njene institucije

Evropska unija i njene institucije

Marković Slobodan, Lazić Biljana

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Uvek kada spomenemo Evropsku uniju, pomislimo na moćnu i jaku međudržavnu integraciju koja je na prikladan način uspela da poveže različite zemlje i narode i objedini njihove interese. Veoma je interesantna činjenica da su se evropske zemlje u određenoj meri odrekle sopstvenih nacionalnih suvereniteta i priklonile se uzvišenom, zajedničkom cilju. Evropska unija je od momenta svog nastanka pa do danas pretrpela brojne promene i transformacije, prešla veoma dug i naporan period razvoja da bi postala moćna i jaka ekonomska sila kakvu trenutno poznajemo. U budućnosti joj predstoji dalje proširenje i prijem u članstvo novih evropskih zemalja koje prethodno ispune propisane kriterijume pristupanja. Evropska unija ne bi mogla adekvatno da funkcioniše bez svojih osnovnih institucija koje su temelj njenog postojanja i delovanja, a to su Savet Evropske unije, Evropski parlament i Evropska komisija. Pomenute institucije su konstituisane na odgovarajući način, profesionalno obavljaju svoje aktivnosti, efikasno doprinose kvalitetu rada unije, pospešuju međusobnu saradnju zemalja članica i brinu se o pravovremenom i adekvatnom sprovođenju zakonodavne, izvršne i sudske vlasti. U daljem toku rada ćemo se podsetiti samog osnivanja Evropske unije, njenih osnovnih obeležja, zemalja članica i faza proširivanja. Detaljno ćemo obraditi ključne institucije, način njihovog delovanja i funkcionisanja i naglasiti njihov doprinos radu i razvoju unije. Činjenica je da pomenute institucije predstavljaju bazu institucionalne strukture unije, ali nikako ne bi mogle uspešno da izvršavaju svoje zadatke i ostvaruju zajedničke ciljeve bez konstantne i kvalitetne podrške sporednih institucija, koje ćemo ukratko objasniti. Zaključnim razmatranjem ćemo naglasiti trenutni i budući značaj Evropske unije, sadašnju poziciju na svetskoj ekonomskoj sceni kao i perspektive njenog budućeg razvoja.


Extraordinary legal remedies with regard to the solutions of the previous civil proceedings laws

Extraordinary legal remedies with regard to the solutions of the previous civil proceedings laws

Marko Stanković, Igor Bilak

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One of the features of procedural proceedings including the civil proceedings too, is a possibility of declaring extraordinary legal remedies. After the decision made by the first-instance courts, there is a regular remedy being declared, and an extraordinary legal remedy can be issued to the final decisions. In this paper, the author will show the development and types of extraordinary remedies, from the first Law on Civil Proceedings brought in 1929 (entered into force in 1932) to the applicable Law on Civil Proceedings from 2011. By using the historical, normative and comparative methods, there will be shown both the positive and negative sides of extraordinary legal remedies in the Serbian legislation.


Family and unemployment: The current state and perspectives in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

Family and unemployment: The current state and perspectives in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

Počuča Milan

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Nowadays, in Serbia, almost 30% of families live without any income. Unemployment is the biggest source of disorders, and, according to some authors, it is the source of all pathologies degrading human personality. In order some fundamental changes to be made, the traditional Serbian families and system of high quality values to be preserved, it is necessary, starting from primary school, to educate both children and parents, because, in many cases, they do not notice a problem, and consequently they do not know how to treat it adequately. In this paper the author analyzes the relationship between the family and social phenomenon of unemployment primarily through its impact on children in the family. The paper is based on the research conducted on the territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Through the conclusions the author makes certain suggestions, which, in the future, should lead to the stabilization of the undermined role of the family in our society.


Family as a factor of socialization and resocialization

Family as a factor of socialization and resocialization

Ivan Joksić , Vesna Rajaković

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A family represents the basic unit of the society. It has a crucial influence on developing both positive and negative tendencies in the young population. A social role of a family comprises the active relationship of its senior members, especially the parents, in the process of socialization of the youngs – children and minors. In a process of resocialization, a proper positioning of family members represents the highest achievement in the realization of its social role. In such a way, a family gives an active contribution to affirming the positive social values. However, the expected social role of the family is often being corrupted by the deviant and criminal behavior of its junior members. Thus, this is a clear signal that the socialization was unsuccessful. The reasons may be found in its partial or complete deficiency. When a family fails to complete its role, then we have on the scene the members of the young population who do not comply with moral and legal norms. Consequently, they must be subjected to a process of resocialization. This process includes various subjects: the court, social welfare center, local community, school, family and the offender him/herself. They jointly participate in a resocialization process as a form of rehabilitation. Although in this process the family role is being realized within the legal frames (issued sentences or decisions), it is undisputable that it plays the important role. Hence, we find necessary to point out the specific role of the family as a factor in the socialization and resocialization process.


Family law protection in light of rehabilitation of persons with conduct disorder

Family law protection in light of rehabilitation of persons with conduct disorder

Predrag Vulević

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Family law protection and rehabilitation of persons with conduct disorder is a serious medical, psychological, socio-economic and general social problem. The attention of a large number of experts in various fields of science, such as economics, medicine, sociology, law etc., is focused on solving this problem, and all of them offer their own interpretation. However, a comprehensive analysis of family law protection, rehabilitation and social integration requires an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach. From their perspective, the above mentioned fields of science devote considerable time to solving this problem, but an adequate result has not been achieved yet. With this regard it is necessary to associate the system of family law protection with rehabilitation of persons with acute or chronic conduct disorder.


Family legal protection against domestic violence – protective measures and some processual aspects of the procedure

Family legal protection against domestic violence – protective measures and some processual aspects of the procedure

Sanda Ćorac

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Domestic violence is a widespread and deeply rooted social problem. With the aim of stopping violence and preventing further manifestations of domestic violence, the Family Law prescribes protection measures, but also a special procedure for protection against domestic violence. The goal of this paper is to analyze some processual aspects of this procedure and the challenges that the courts are faced, especially as regards the beginning of the procedure, i.e. a legal nature of lawsuits for protection against domestic violence, a special urgency of the procedure and deviations from the principle of disposition, as well as the measures for protection against domestic violence and the criteria by which the court is guided in the procedure of their passing.


Femicide prevention in the light of new legal solutions application in the criminal law of Republic of Serbia

Femicide prevention in the light of new legal solutions application in the criminal law of Republic of Serbia

Mirela Tahirović, Jelena Radulović Glamočak

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In the modern society, domestic violence is a socially unacceptable phenomenon. The most common form of domestic violence is the violence against women, while as the most severe form of violence against women singles out femicide - a gender-based murder. One of the measures taken by Republic of Serbia in order to reduce domestic violence is the adoption of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence. In order to prevent femicide, the most important innovations provided by law are urgent measures imposed by the competent police officer; a mandatory risk assessment of recurrence violence; a mandatory coordination and cooperation between the competent services and case records violence. This paper analyzes not just criminal and family law measures providing protection from domestic violence, but also the results of the application of these measures in the context of femicide prevention.


Fenomen trgovine ljudskim bićima

Fenomen trgovine ljudskim bićima

Bjelajac Željko

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Naučnotehnološki razvitak, uporedo sa tim što je pokrenuo snage koje integrišu našu planetu u cilju kvalitetnijeg života njenih stanovnika, omogućio je pretpostavke onima koji žele da iskoriste određene inovacije u svrhu vršenja kriminalnih delatnosti. Ogroman broj žena koje su bespomoćne pred siromaštvom i diskriminacijom koju trpe u svojoj okolini i pretpostavljenom odgovornošću za egzistenciju porodice, donosi odluku za odlazak negde gde su ubeđene da će im biti bolje. Taj potencijalni bolji život, restriktivna imigraciona politika razvijenih zemalja pretvara u iluziju jer većinu žena kanališe ka ilegalnoj migraciji. Na nesreću, većina od njih usled površno ili nimalo informacija o eventualnim posledicama takvih avantura, nesvesno i nesvojevoljno završava u kandžama trgovaca ženama. Trgovina ljudima je izuzetno unosan i siguran posao, isplativa i profitabilna kriminalna delatnost u kojoj su rizici vrlo mali u poređenju sa pojedinim oblicima organizovanog kriminala. Prostitucija se jasno razlikuje od trgovine ženama. Kada je žena žrtva trgovine ljudima, uskraćena je za slobodu izbora i nema nikakvu kontrolu nad onim što joj se događa, to jest ne može birati da li želi to da radi, na koji način, koliko i sa kim, uz izostanak odgovarajuće zarade. Organizovani kriminal u sadašnje vreme ne poznaje granice država i režima. U svojim istraživanjima eksperti koji se bave pitanjima organizovanog kriminala ističu da je na Balkanu, posebno na prostorima bivše Jugoslavije, u poslednjih nekoliko godina uočljiv porast korupcije i organizovanog kriminala, naročito u pogledu trgovine ljudima, prvenstveno žena, radi prostitucije. Ono što karakteriše tržište rada u Srbiji predstavlja: visoka stopa nezaposlenosti i njen trend koji je i dalje u porastu, relativno nizak nivo zaposlenosti stanovništva, visok stepen skrivene nezaposlenosti, mali udeo zaposlenosti u privatnom sektoru, niska primanja i niska mobilnost radne snage. Organizovani kriminal, koji donosi basnoslovne zarade u skladu sa duhom vremena u kojem egzistira, više nije 'tradicionalan'. On se ne bazira na tradicionalnim vezama, nego povezuje i zahvata različite segmente društva, pa je ponekad vrlo teško razdvojiti kriminalne od legalnih elemenata. Dakle, nedostatak obrazovanja i informisanja predstavlja polaznu slabost žrtve sa čime, naravno, računaju trgovci ljudima. Snovi o boljem životu u inostranstvu i beg od surove realnosti sa sobom takođe nose niz opasnosti i nepredvidivih situacija. Trgovina ljudima predstavlja grubo kršenje ljudskih prava, pa bi zato trebalo da bude prepoznatljiva i kao najekstremniji oblik povrede ljudskih prava.


Financial statements and audit in the insurance company

Financial statements and audit in the insurance company

Goran Puzić

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In accordance with the Law on Insurance and the Law on Accounting and Audit, insurance companies in Serbia are required to prepare financial statements. These materials are submitted to the Agency of Business Registers and the National Bank of Serbia from 31st December of the reporting year according to the Law on Accounting and Audit. Insurance companies which undergo a change in a legal position, such as mergers, divisions, i.e. sales, have to submit financial statements with a cut-off on the day determined by the decision on the change of a legal position or on the day determined by the sales contract. Furthermore, financial reports are submitted in the cases of the insolvency proceedings or liquidation of an insurance company. The notion of audit in an insurance company has its importance from the Insurance Law itself, in which the entire Chapter 9 is dedicated to the audit of financial statements. It deals with the performance of the audit, prior consent to the selection of the audit company, liabilities of the audit company, and the check of the audit report and the notification of the body responsible for supervising the audit.1 The significance and role of audit in an insurance company is far broader, which will be explored later in this paper.


First codifications of law

First codifications of law

Dalibor Krstinić , Jovana Vasiljković

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Broadly defined, codification is every complete legal regulation of a legal area, regardless of whether it was achieved through one or various legal acts. There were codifications in the ancient history (Hammurabi Code, Code of Justinian), as well as in the medieval period, though feudalism was the epoch of uncodified and particular law. Still, the number of codifications rose even further in the transition period from feudalism to capitalism, with the creation of national markets and centralised nation states. Thus commenced the epoch of bourgeoisie codifications with the French civil code in 1804. Following the French, the Civil Code of Austria was enacted in 1811, followed by the General Property Code for the principality of Montenegro in 1888, the German Civil Code in 1896, and in 1844 Civil Code of Laws of Principality of Serbia, which constitute the topic of this paper.


Fiskalna decentralizacija

Fiskalna decentralizacija

Počuča Milan, Golić Darko

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Sistem raspodele javnih prihoda između različitih nivoa organizovanosti jedne države je od presudnog značaja za njeno funkcionisanje. Ukoliko nije zasnovan na principima koji čine temelj uređenja te države, a ogledaju se u sistemu raspodele nadležnosti i načina njihovog ostvarivanja, biće stalni izvor sukoba, kočnica razvoja, te uzročnik veoma opasnog procesa dezintegracije. Svedoci smo intenzivnog procesa evropskih integracija. Evropska unija sve više dobija obeležja federalne države, sa brojnim nadležnostima i organima, koji zahtevaju određena, i to zamašna finansijska sredstva. Države članice ih u najvećoj meri obezbeđuju iz svojih budžeta, ali se radi i na uvođenju izvornih prihoda Unije. Dakle, problem raspodele prihoda se javlja i u odnosima među nezavisnim državama u različitim oblicima integracija. Svoju volju da prihvata proces decentralizacije, koja kao imperativ podrazumeva finansijsku decentralizaciju, najbolje je potvrdila novim Ustavom, iz 2006. god. kojim je predviđeno da lokalne samouprave i AP Vojvodina imaju svoje izvorne prihode, kojim finansiraju svoje nadležnosti, čija se vrsta i visina utvrđuju zakonom. Nedostajuća sredstva će nadomestiti Republika iz svog budžeta. Finansijski federalizam se u teoriji određuje kao sistem odnosa između federacije, federalnih jedinica i lokalnih zajednica u vezi sa ovlašćenjima za utvrđivanje, raspodelu i razgraničenje nadležnosti u oblasti javnih rashoda i javnih prihoda, u kome će svaki od navedenih subjekata raspolagati određenim obimom ovlašćenja. Raspodela funkcija, a time i rashoda, odlučujuće određuje raspodelu sredstava, tj. prihoda. Ekonomska teorija i praksa poznaju tri sistema vertikalne raspodele prihoda u decentralizovanim državama: - sistem separacije ili odvojenih prihoda; - sistem zajednice prihoda ili sistem participacije; - mešoviti sistem. Porezima se obezbeđuje čitav spektar ekstrafiskalnih ciljeva. Oni su rešenje za mnoge probleme ekonomskog, socijalnog pa i političkog karaktera. Zbog toga je neophodno pristupiti, tj. unaprediti sistem fiskalne decentralizacije. U zemljama čije su potrebe i osobenosti slične našim, sistem vezane separacije nad većim brojem prihoda, te participacije kod najizdašnijih izvora, a kao izuzetak slobodna separacija, pokazuje se kao najoptimalniji vid uređenja odnosa u pogledu fiskalnih ovlašćenja različitih nivoa državnog organizovanja.


Flexible forms of work and work engagement

Flexible forms of work and work engagement

Sladjana Gligorić M, Sanja Škorić

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Global trends in the working world clearly show the changes in the character of labor relations with a significant representation of flexible forms of work. It is an atypical form of work organization that arises as a consequence of strong globalization flows, economic crisis, information and technological revolution, and which stands against the labor law standard of a classical employment, being represented in the form of the employment contract for an indefinite period of time with full time employment. Starting from the concept of flexicurity as the dominant concept in the EU, flexicurity seeks to establish a balance between flexibility in the organization of work in order to preserve stability. Through the flexible organization of work and working hours, there establishes a kind of balance between working hours, the rest time and time for socialization and social activity. However, on the other hand, a flexible organization of work can reduce the rights of the employees and workers outside the employment relationship, especially if this form of work is abused in practice by the contracts concluded contrary to their essence or legal norm. The authors use the historical, comparative- legal and sociological method, as well as the statistical data in the analysis of research subjects with the aim of providing the concrete proposals for the improvement of the existing normative framework.


Forging payment cards and cybercrime

Forging payment cards and cybercrime

Katarina Stojković Numanović, Boro Merdović, Dragan Živaljević

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Payment card forging and high-tech crime are deeply rooted problems in today’s society. These sophisticated forms of crime utilize advanced techniques and high-tech tools to illegally access financial resources and commit fraud. Payment card forgery involves the creation of fake copies of debit or credit cards with the intent of conducting illegal financial transactions. Access to card data is achieved through various methods, including skimming (illegally collecting card data), phishing (fraud through fake emails or web pages), or the physical theft of cards. Simultaneously, high-tech crime encompasses a wide range of activities aimed at the misuse of digital technologies and networks to achieve financial gain or harm to individuals, companies, or states. These crimes often include computer fraud, cyber-attacks, and digital fraud. This paper aims to highlight the importance and seriousness of payment card forgery, explore different methods and patterns of these criminal activities, and emphasize their specific connection with high-tech crime. Different methodologies were applied in the research including quantitative and qualitative content analysis, comparative analysis, as well as descriptive and analytical statistics. The obtained results clearly indicate the growing importance of this problem both in the legislative and in the criminological contexts, with a constant increase in the number of committed criminal acts. Additionally, the research highlights the inextricable link between payment card forgery and various forms of high-tech crime, which often intertwine and together constitute an overarching challenge to the justice system and the security of society. Finally, the paper will consider various strategies and methods that society and the state can use to counter the spread of these criminal activities. The ultimate goal is to preserve the safety and integrity of the financial system and protect the interests of individuals.


Fundamental breach of contract under the UN Convention on contracts for the international sale of goods

Fundamental breach of contract under the UN Convention on contracts for the international sale of goods

Nevena Tepavac

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The concept of fundamental breach of contract under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) of 1980 plays a pivotal role in determining the legal remedies available to the aggrieved party. It allows for contract termination only in instances where a breach is deemed fundamental. This paper delves into a comprehensive analysis of the institution of fundamental breach of contract and its characteristics, providing insight into how the Convention distinguishes between a fundamental breach and a non-fundamental breach. As a result, it assists in resolving potential uncertainties and dilemmas the aggrieved party might face concerning the choice of legal remedies. The analysis begins with an exploration of the background and drafting process of Article 25 of the Convention. The focus then shifts to an in-depth analysis of the institution of fundamental breach of contract. This covers how and why the distinction between a fundamental breach and a non-fundamental breach emerged, leading up to an intricate examination of all the conditions and features of a fundamental breach of contract, all with the aim of accurately defining this term in line with the provisions of the Convention. The study also encompasses a review of pertinent judicial and arbitral practices, aiding in a better understanding of the practical application and interpretation of the institution of fundamental breach of contract. Special attention is devoted to analyzing how the aggrieved party can be confident in its right to terminate the contract and how to sidestep potential hazards and consequences of an unjustified termination. Through a detailed review of the Convention's provisions and both judicial and arbitral practices, this paper offers a succinct insight into the institution of fundamental breach of contract in the context of international sales of goods. It investigates how contracting parties can safeguard themselves and how they can act in accordance with the rights and obligations stipulated by the Convention.


Funkcija osiguranja kod odgovornosti prevoznika za štete na robi u drumskom prevozu u Republici Srpskoj

Funkcija osiguranja kod odgovornosti prevoznika za štete na robi u drumskom prevozu u Republici Srpskoj

Kovač Radivoj

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Odgovornost prevoznika za štete na robi u drumskom prevozu proizilazi iz ugovora o prevozu koji se zaključuje sa naručiocem prevoza. Oblik i vrsta te odgovornosti definisana je važećim propisima za takvu vrstu prevoza, odnosno propisima koji uređuju odgovarajući ugovor o prevozu. Ukoliko tokom prevoza dođe do štete na robi za koju je odgovoran prevoznik, on će takvu štetu morati nadoknaditi. Imajući u vidu širok spektar transportnih rizika koji mogu dovesti do nastanka štete na robi, sa jedne strane, kao i visok iznos potencijalnih šteta, sa druge strane, prevoznici svoj ekonomski interes mogu zaštititi ugovaranjem osiguranja. Zaključivanjem osiguranja od odgovornosti za štete na robi koju prevoze, prevoznici štite svoj interes na način da nastalu štetu, za koju su oni odgovorni, umjesto njih treba da nadoknadi društvo za osiguranje. Cilj rada je da se na jednom mjestu ukaže na problematiku odgovornosti prevoznika u Republici Srpskoj sa aspekta aktuelnih zakonskih propisa, kao i na veoma značajnu ulogu osiguranja odgovornosti prevoznika. U zaključku se daje kratak osvrt na uočene probleme u postojećoj zakonskoj regulativi posmatranog problema, te mogućnostima obezbjeđenja adekvatne zaštite prevoznika kroz ugovaranje osiguravajućeg pokrića.


Gender equality in the European labor law

Gender equality in the European labor law

Šoltes Igor

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The author gives an overview of the last European Commission report on equality between men and women, with the aim to draw attention to new trends in the development of labor law in the European Union to move towards the design of new types of strategies and policies that should contribute to the implementation of the new concept of work-life balance that allows you to have some sense of professional most of its capacity with full respect for the rights of women. Women are most often due to their biological role in raising families, forced to renounce a career because it is in the current system of labor market almost impossible to achieve balanced relationship between life and work, and that all rights guaranteed to be full.


George P. Šorđan, Starosna i porodična penzija, Intermex, Beograd, 2007

George P. Šorđan, Starosna i porodična penzija, Intermex, Beograd, 2007

Radovanov Aleksandar



Globalna ekonomska kriza i porast nezaposlenosti

Globalna ekonomska kriza i porast nezaposlenosti

Bjelajac Željko

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Globalna ekonomska kriza nije nastala odjednom. Njoj su prethodile okolnosti koje su svojim implikacijama na makroplanu uvećale broj nezaposlenih, siromašnih i gladnih ljudi u svetu. Krah globalnih privreda doprineo je istovremeno nekontrolisanoj globalnoj nesigurnosti, što su pojedini analitičari stidljivo najavljivali još od ulaska u novi milenijum, a što se ostvarilo objavljivanjem vesti da je 'svet upao u najdublju ekonomsku krizu još od drugog svetskog rata i da se nalazi u kandžama recesije'. Uzroci krize i njene manifestacije se razlikuju od zemlje do zemlje, ali svima je zajednička karakteristika da proizvode nesagledive posledice i ozbiljne probleme. Tamni oblaci su se nadvili nad svetskom privredom, a oni donose otpuštanje radnika, nezaposlenost i siromaštvo, što dalje vodi i rezultira talasima protesta i štrajkova širom sveta. Udar svetske ekonomske krize u Srbiji očekuje se intenzitetom koji je teško i nezahvalno predvideti.

