Adaptation of ecosystems in the Middle Ob region exposed to oil production impact: hierarchy and duration of adaptation processes

Автор: Usmanov Iskander Yusufovich, Yumagulova Elvira Ramilevna, Ivanov Vyacheslav Borisovich, Korkina Elena Aleksandrovna, Shcherbakov Arkady Vladmirovich, Ivanov Nikita Aleksandrovich, Ryabukha Anatoly Vasilevich

Журнал: Вестник Нижневартовского государственного университета @vestnik-nvsu

Рубрика: Экология и природопользование

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2016 года.

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The paper presents a study of adaptation processes of ecosystems in the Middle Ob Region exposed to oil production impact. The study revealed that the ecosystems are developing on different levels, from the autecological to the landscape levels. Biologically positive changes are developing more or less independently and parallel to each other at different levels of ecosystems. The restorative processes are formed within different time scales: from fast processes (within a few days) to longer ones (within several decades). Algae's rapid responses occur under the following scenarios: 1) reproduction of euglenophytes ( Euglenophyta ) with a high level of biodiversity in Lenthic reservoirs; 2) florification of cyanobacteria ( Cianophyta - Cianobacteria ) with the dominance of Anabaena cirenalis Rabenh et Flah.; 3) various rapid responses - development of Spirogira, often with the dominance of Ulotrix variabilis Kutz. Responses occur during the active growing season. Following the oligotrophicity of ecosystems, weak and moderate anthropogenic pollution activates accumulation processes (growth process) and biomass degradation (activation of fungi decomposers and soil enzyme cellulase)...


Adaptation of ecosystems, oil production, recultivation plants, recovery processes, vegetation dynamics

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IDR: 14116936

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