Female rat’s offspring macrophages' adhesive properties at bisphenol A chronic exposure
Автор: Gumina A.A., Moskvina A.O.
Журнал: Морфологические ведомости @morpholetter
Рубрика: Краткие сообщения
Статья в выпуске: 2 т.32, 2024 года.
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Bisphenol A is one of the most common endocrine disruptors found in polycarbonate plastics used to manufacture a wide range of everyday products (food containers, children's toys, drainpipes, dental materials, etc.). It is known that the body's immune-resistance is largely determined by the activity of cellular elements of the mononuclear phagocyte system. In connection with the above, the aim of the study was to analyze the effect of bisphenol A on the ability of lung and abdominal macrophages and peripheral blood monocytes to adhere and spread. The study was performed on mature white laboratory female Wistar rats, which were exposed to bisphenol A daily for 45 days by forced sublingual treatment of the solution at a dosage of 15,000 μg/kg. The object of the study was their 60-day-old offspring at the stage of early sexual maturity. The content of macrophages, their ability to adhere and spread at different incubation times were assessed. Under the influence of bisphenol, A, the adhesive properties of mononuclear phagocytes are inhibited, as evidenced by a decrease in the number of adhered cells, including peripheral blood monocytes by 28.7%, peritoneal macrophages by 34.6%, and alveolar macrophages by 35.2. Also, the content of adhered cells in the study of peritoneal macrophages, alveolar macrophages and peripheral blood monocytes decreased in the experiment by 24.7%, 27.2% and 50.5%, respectively. Bisphenol A penetrates into the fetal blood through the placental bloodstream and has a negative effect on the process of hematopoiesis, including monocyte development, which ultimately causes a disruption in the formation of the receptor apparatus of tissue and circulating macrophages. Thus, chronic exposure of female rats to bisphenol A causes a change in the content of macrophages in various compartments of the offspring, and also inhibits their ability to adhere and spread, which indicates the failure of the receptor apparatus of cells.
Macrophages, adhesion, bisphenol a, offspring, rats
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143183621
IDR: 143183621 | DOI: 10.20340/mv-mn.2024.32(2).838