Agglomeration flocculation as a gold extraction method from anthropogenic deposits

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There have been offered the processes based on the agglomeration flocculation to be used for gold extraction from anthropogenic deposits, which were formed during ore dressing at the concentration plants(GEF -factories). The research was done on the basis of two test samples taken from GEFfactories tales. The GEF-factories use gravitational- metallurgical and gravitational-flotation technologies. In the course of the research the gold distribution according to size grade and material constitution of tales from Kommunarovskaya and Artyomovskaya GEF-factories were studied. As a result the offered processes provide gold extraction from test samples at the level of 74.8 and 81.4 %, when metal concentration degrees are 27 and 10.


Agglomeration flocculation, tales, gef-factories, anthropogenic deposit

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IDR: 146114584

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