Agrobiological substantiation of biological products application for winter wheat

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The article discusses ways to increase plant resistance to abiotic and biotic factors, the current state of crop development, taking into account the introduction of new technology elements. Adaptation of plants to the conditions of the winter period causes numerous rearrangements in the metabolism of plants and is associated with their species and varietal characteristics. Damaged plants slow down their growth, they are late with maturation, which reduces resistance to diseases, and, accordingly, productivity. To obtain guaranteed high yields, such conditions and factors, as well as protective equipment are necessary that would contribute to the growth and development of winter wheat associated with the dynamics of the accumulation of plastic substances. In this connection, it is relevant to use complex biological products for winter wheat, aimed at increasing plant survival with adverse winter factors and increasing the immune status. The studies were conducted on winter crops in order to improve the physiological and biochemical state in the autumn-winter period. The use of biological products increases the density of winter wheat plants by one square meter by an average of 10%. Processing seeds of winter wheat before sowing increases germination energy by 15% and germination by 10-16%, depending on the variety. Biological products have a significant impact on the formation of crop structure elements. Thus, spike grains according to the experimental variants increased on average by 7.71%, spike productivity by 11%, weight of 1000 grains by 3.3%. The highest yield of winter wheat grain was obtained from the Leonid variety using a biological product containing lectins and bioflavonoids - 8.67 tons per hectare, the maximum yield increase for the hard variety Kristella was 0.87 tons per hectare or 33% when using biological products with active lectin substances and buckwheat bioflavonoids. The introduction of the developed method of pre-sowing treatment with biological products in combination with microelements, spraying of seedlings guarantees an increase in the yield of winter wheat by 5-30%, as well as an improvement in the technological and sowing qualities of seeds


Winter wheat, germination, biological products, productivity, adaptation, stress, winter hardiness

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IDR: 147228809   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2019.5.133

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