Agroecological aspects of recultivation of disturbed lands

Автор: Basov Yu.V.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 2 (71), 2018 года.

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The studies were conducted at the site of technogenic-disturbed agricultural lands located in the territory of the Verkhovsky district, the Orel region. Soil analysis was performed on the preselected samples in accordance with the applicable regulations in the field of soil analysis and methods of sampling GOST 26483-85. Preparation of salt extract and determination of its pH was done by the method of TIN, GOST 26951-86. Ionometric nitrate determination was performed by the method, GOST R 54650-2011. Determination of mobile potassium and phosphorus was done by the method of Kirsanov, RD 52.18.289-90 MU. We applied the technique of measurements of the mass fraction of metals mobile forms in soil samples by atomic absorption, GOST 26210-91. Determination of exchangeable potassium was performed by Maslova’s method, GOST 26213-91. We used methods of organic substance definition. The aim of this work is to establish the influence of unorganized landfills municipal solid waste (MSW) on the environment and agro-ecological indexes of soil. The effect of illegal dumping of MSW on the environment and agro-environmental indicators of fertile soil layer is determined. Agroecological studies of section of the fertile soil layer overlap with a total area of 16016.0 m2 are carried out. The increase of high concentration of humus (organic matter), mobile forms of phosphorus, potassium and reduction of soil acidity in comparison with control are observed. Waste management on the site has led to a significant increase in the content of toxic chemical elements - salts TM. The excess of MPC was, on average, on cadmium by 1.23 times, on copper by 6.075 times, on zinc by 17.84 times, on manganese by 5.11, on lead by 1.59 times. To eliminate negative impacts of solid waste on the environment and soil fertility in the survey area the implementation of complex measures on reclamation of disturbed lands is recommended. Radical biological and physical chemical methods of detoxification are recommended.


Disturbed lands, dumping of solid waste, agro-environmental indicators, humus, mobile phosphorus, mobile potassium, control, toxic chemicals, heavy metals (hm), cadmium, copper, lead, zinc, detoxification, phytoremediation, reclamation

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IDR: 147124515   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2018.2.29

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