University acceleration programs as a factor in the growth of innovative activity of organizations

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The article presents the results of a study of the impact of university acceleration programs on the innovative activity of enterprises in the region. The interaction of education, science and business has developed from a simple form of bilateral cooperation between individual government organizations, scientific and educational institutions, and the private sector, to more complex structures with an obvious strengthening of the role of universities as sources of new technologies and ideas. The modern model of interaction represents the state as the main organizer of cooperation, which implements and finances various support programs, forming a new image of “technological entrepreneurship”. The specifics of the Russian innovation market, which has developed under the influence of sanctions pressure, the withdrawal of imported technologies and the need to replace them, are investigated. The formation of a modern image of “technological entrepreneurship” is being transformed with the increasing trend of university participation in programs to support the development of student scientific, technical and research projects. Surveys of participants and the results showed that acceleration programs are an effective tool for import substitution. The analysis and assessment of the parameters of interaction between scientific and educational organizations and business structures in the Southern Federal District is carried out in order to identify the factors influencing the success of this interaction. The data of official statistics and surveys of entrepreneurs have been processed for use in the processes of developing and implementing innovation policy in terms of improving the innovative activity of enterprises in the region.


Entrepreneurship, acceleration programs, innovational potential, innovative activity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142240553   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3247

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