Update of durable use arrays when conducting sample observations of the multi-purpose population

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This article is about updating durable arrays (DDP), created on the basis of this population census and intended for conducting many sample observations of the population on their basis. Particular attention is paid to the situation when within one annual period it is planned to conduct more than one sample observation (SO) of a socio-demographic and socio-economic nature. In particular, this situation was observed in 2022, when four federal statistical observations were carried out in the Russian Federation (sample observation of population income and participation in social programs, sample observation of the population’s health status, comprehensive observation of the population’s living conditions, sample observation of the population’s reproductive plans). The key components of the updating procedure and the main directions of their implementation are outlined.


Actualization, sample observation (so), sample array (sm), unattainability, non-overlapping elements

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170203246

IDR: 170203246   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-1-4-167-172

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