Current problems of national science of law: theoretical and methodological aspects

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Science from fundamentally new positions. He believes that domestic theoretical legal science was historically based on profound Hegelian worldview. It still maintains its positions. Meanwhile, in the modern world, since the modern early period, the Hegelianism has been drastically reinterpreted. Developed countries accepted the Anglo-Saxon statehood model and, due to this circumstance, in the Human Development Index, they occupy high places. The Anglo-Saxon statehood model is based on the primacy of civil society over the state. Only with this correlation between civil society and the state, we can talk about the formation of a genuine rule-of-law state. In our country, civil society and rule-of-law state institutions are still misunderstood. Hence, these important institutions of ensuring the best society development are not working in our country. It is therefore proposed to rethink the entire theoretical structure of national legal science and thus settle down to a more civilized course of social development.


Anglo-saxon statehood model, john locke doctrine, hegel doctrine, russian social and political practice, civil society, constitutional state, constitutionalism, constitution, source of power, source of law, roman-germanic statehood model

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