Analysis of business activity in Mongolia at present stage

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The article is concerned with the analysis of business activity in Mongolia at the present time, and also the GDP structure analysis has been undertaken. The analysis has identified sectors of economy making the most significant contribution to the country’s GDP. A detailed analysis of such sectors as agriculture and construction has been undertaken. The development of employment by sector has also been studied. Based on the character of dynamics of the number of Mongolian enterprises at the current stage, the top 5 of Mongolian business sectors has been compiled. Business niche areas of the majority of legitimate organizations and en-terprises have been identified. Analysis of investment flows by industries undertaken has identified the priori-ties in government policies in the area of financial support of different economic sectors in the country in recent times.


Business activity, structure of gdp, employment, investment activity, entrepreneurship, international cooperation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142228421

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