Analysis of economic sanctions restrictions against the Russian Federation and imposed countersanctions

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This study addresses such topical issues as economic sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation, as well as countersanctions. The paper presents a retrospective analysis of restrictions, considering the restrictions approved since the beginning of 2014 in terms of the number of individuals and legal entities affected by them. The author notes that the financial sector, the fuel and energy complex, and trade have come under significant influence of sanctions. The analysis of the systematized information is aimed at highlighting the key areas of functioning and development of the Russian economy in conditions of instability due to the impact of sanctions on all spheres of society. In response to the restrictions, countersanctions were introduced, which were primarily aimed at increasing the stability of the financial and economic system, as well as protecting national interests of Russia. Together with these measures, the Government has adopted programs to support priority sectors of the economy. Based on the results obtained, the author identified key “ideological” directions for the further development of the Russian economy, which, in the current geopolitical and geo-economic conditions, it is advisable for the country’s leadership to place special emphasis on.


Economic sanctions, global crisis, countersanctions, economic security, public sector, foreign economic activity

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IDR: 142241399   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3392

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