Economic efficiency analysis of tourism and hospitality enterprises of Crimean tourist destination

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The article examines the factors characterizing the quality of work of firms in the tourist and recreation sector, their manifestation, and their impact on the efficiency of activities in tourism, which is necessary to assess the prospects for the development of the Crimean republican tourist destination as a whole. Thus, in the perspective of sectoral development, the possibility of large enterprises to compete more effectively in international and national markets of tourist services is given. The study shows the role of each form of entrepreneurship in the development of the region’s economy. Data on average annual number of employees and total assets of enterprises were suggested as estimated indicators that can characterize the scale of activity. The assessment of the economies of scale of enterprises in the Crimea as a whole and for the Greater Yalta subregion was carried out as a factor that influences the effective work of tourism and recreation firms. In the study, the economies of scale were considered a cost advantage that a firm receives by increasing production volume. It is assumed that such an advantage should arise due to the inverse relationship between fixed costs per unit of production and its quantity. That is, the larger the volume of products, the lower the fixed costs per unit of production. However, the results obtained indicate the lack of economies of scale and, as a result, the negative impact of such a situation on the efficiency of activities in general. The study used a wide range of general scientific methods - analysis and synthesis, abstract logic, system and correlation analysis, and others. The paper analyzes official statistical data on industry enterprises as well as research on this area.


Indicators, tourism and hospitality enterprises, profitability, republic of crimea, tourism, economies of scale, efficiency, southern coast of crimea

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IDR: 149146568   |   DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2024.3.17

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