Analysis of the economic efficiency of modern approaches to energy saving in the reconstruction of low-rise buildings in rural settlements

Автор: Fetisova M.A.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 5 (92), 2021 года.

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Being one of the world's leading countries in energy production, Russia is significantly inferior to economically developed countries in the rational use of energy resources. Due to the trend of rising energy prices, more and more attention is paid to solving the issue of the integrated energy saving. To implement the Federal Law "On Energy Saving" and the decree of the government of the Russian Federation "On urgent energy saving measures", new programs are being developed and implemented aimed at preserving energy resources in many industries in all regions of the Russian Federation, the legislative and regulatory framework of individual subjects of Russia is being improved. As well as in regional centers, rural settlements with a developed agricultural direction also have low-rise buildings (3-5-storeyed, 1-storeyed for 1-2 apartments) mainly intended for living, so the problem of energy saving is also relevant in the rural areas. In the field of public utilities, where more than 20% of the energy resources of settlements are consumed, improving the energy efficiency of buildings and structures is one of the most urgent tasks of the domestic construction industry. The housing stock of rural settlements and district centers, built before the introduction of modern requirements for the indicators of thermal protection of buildings, is characterized by an extremely low level of thermal protection, and, consequently, unacceptably high energy costs for maintaining the necessary parameters of the microclimate. In new construction, the implementation of energy-saving measures can be achieved by improving architectural and planning solutions, improving the thermal characteristics of external walls and windows, using metering devices and regulating heat and hot water, improving engineering systems. The analysis of economic indicators of the effectiveness of modern approaches to energy saving will allow making the most appropriate decisions for the reconstruction of facades of low-rise buildings in rural settlements.


Low-rise construction, reconstruction, facade, energy saving, heat loss, rural settlement

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147235538   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2021.5.161

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