Analysis of erythroid cells in carp (Cyprinus caprio L.) on the basis of micronucleus test

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In paper it provides a comparative analysis of the total number of erythrocytes and the frequency of erythroid cells with micronuclei occurrence in the peripheral blood of the fish family Cyprinidae ( Cyprinus caprio L. ). It were determined the differences in frequency of erythroid cells with micronuclei occurrence between the two investigated groups of fishes: living in natural and artificial reservoirs (waters) on the territory of Dagestan Republic. It was expressed the opinion that comparative cytogenetic monitoring of fishery resources can contribute to the accumulation of information about the ecological situation of waters in the territory of Dagestan Rebublic.


Fish, blood, erythrocytes, micronuclei test

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148204465

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