Analysis of international legislation in the field of combating crimes committed using cryptocurrencies
Автор: Rоshchupkina A.V.
Журнал: Криминалистика: вчера, сегодня, завтра @kriminalistika-vsz
Статья в выпуске: 3 (31), 2024 года.
Бесплатный доступ
Within the framework of this article, some features of international legislation in the field of cryptocurrency circulation are considered. Today, the level of detection and detection of crime in this area depends on the elaboration of legislation regulating the circulation of cryptocurrency. Countries that have legalized the circulation of cryptocurrency, those that have completely banned the circulation of cryptocurrency, as well as countries that are still in “observer” status were considered. Foreign experience has been analyzed, which can contribute to the implementation of new provisions that have a positive impact on the identification and detection of crimes of this category in Russia. The author emphasizes the importance of legislative regulation of cryptocurrency, as well as well-established assistance to employees of operational units in solving crimes committed using cryptocurrencies. The article begins with an excerpt from the report showing the increase in crime in the crypto business, and then analyzes the legislation of various countries in the field of cryptocurrency circulation. Next, the author analyzes the legislative regulation of cryptocurrency in Russia, as well as ways to change it and improve the criminal situation in this area. Particular attention is paid to the problems that arise in the prevention and detection that operational units of internal affairs bodies face. The article examines the role of the experience of foreign countries in the legislative regulation of the circulation of cryptocurrency in the context of the activities of criminal investigation officers. The author highlights the problems of identifying and solving crimes committed using cryptocurrencies, including the lack of legal regulation and problems with authentication and use of electronic evidence. The importance of international cooperation in this area is also emphasized. The conclusions emphasize the importance of clear legislative regulation of the procedure for handling cryptocurrencies, as well as increasing the capacity of law enforcement agencies and developing international cooperation to effectively suppress criminal activities related to cryptocurrency.
Cryptocrime, crimes using cryptocurrencies, foreign experience, crime prevention
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 143183375 | DOI: 10.55001/2587-9820.2024.33.34.019