Analysis of the quality indicators of a herbal medicine based on tinctures of veratrum, yarrow and nettle

Автор: Boyko T.V., Luksha E.A., Veretennikova V.S., Ogurnoy I.V.

Журнал: Вестник Омского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-omgau

Рубрика: Ветеринария и зоотехния

Статья в выпуске: 4 (48), 2022 года.

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Development of natural polyfunctional medical drugs as an alternative to using antibiotics and hormones in animal husbandry remains one of the priorities of veterinary pharmacology. Biologically active ingredients of plants are balanced in terms of the concentration of individual components. Entering the systemic circulation, they interact with a variety of target organ receptors and have a complex pharmacological effect. The use of a new approach in veterinary medicine will reduce the problem of polypharmacy that exists today in productive animal husbandry. A new injectable polyfunctional herbal medicine based on tinctures of veratrum album, common yarrow and stinging nettle was developed to treat and prevent postpartum diseases in cows. The research was aimed at determining quality indicators of the injectable form of a herbal medicine “Urticostimˮ. The authenticity of the active ingredients of the phytopreparation was established by qualitative reactions to phenolic substances and alkaloids. The amount of active ingredients was determined by differential spectrophotometry at reference wavelengths of 410 nm (protoveratrin), 330 nm (chlorogenic acid), 349 nm (luteolin). We used differential spectrophotometry to determine the following reference amounts of active ingredients in the phytopreparation: protoveratrin - at least 0.0025%, luteolin - at least 0.012%, chlorogenic acid - at least 0.0045%. The results obtained after the validation procedure will be used to develop a draft pharmacopoeial monograph for the “Urticostimˮ.


Herbal medicines, quality indicators of herbal medicines, veratrum, yarrow, nettle

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IDR: 142236115   |   DOI: 10.48136/2222-0364_2022_4_79

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