Study of the state and dynamics of wear of the side lining in the cathodes of aluminium cells

Автор: Proshkin Aleksandr V., Pingin Vitaliy V., Polyakov Petr V., Kalinovskaya Tatiana G., Pogodaev Aleksandr M., Isaeva Lyubov A.

Журнал: Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия: Техника и технологии @technologies-sfu

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.6, 2013 года.

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For increasing the service life of the side lining of the reduction cell (operating at 300kA), processes leading to the destruction of SiC blocks (from different manufactures) have been studied. Based on autopsies, X-ray spectrum and phase analyses, it has been found out that gaps and scales between SiC blocks and the shell of the cell are formed during cell operation. The mentioned defects affect the process of heat transfer and the service life of the cell. The wear rate of side blocks (from different manufacturers) has been identified. It is shown that, due to the design of the attachment of SiC block to the shell, thermal deformations of the shell (under which SiC blocks are bent) lead to the damage of SiC blocks at the upper level of the bath.


Side lining, erosion, destruction, si3n4-sic, reduction cell

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IDR: 146114740

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