Analysis of modern technologies in teaching and support of children with autistic spectrum disorders

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Statement of the problem and purpose of the article. Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are rightly considered one of the most common pathologies in the development of young children throughout the world and, in particular, in Russia. Today, specialists are developing and testing not individual technologies, but complex models that combine the most promising technologies, methods and means of teaching and supporting children with ASD, special attention is paid to the progressive model of positive socialization. Achieving this goal requires the implementation of a systematic approach, combining technologies to help the child himself and support the family in which he is brought up. Methodology (materials and methods). The methodology of the study was the provisions of general and special psychology and pedagogy: on the unity of the laws of development of a normal and abnormal child, on the potential development of the child (L. S. Vygotsky, R. E. Levina, E. Mastyukova, etc.); theory of social learning (A. Bandura); approach to autism as a disorder of the affective organization of behavior and consciousness (L. Kanner, V.V. Lebedinsky, O.S. Nikolskaya); sensory-perceptual diagnosis and correction system (O. Bogdashina); principles of non-verbal communication of children with ASD (R. Heyhow). Results. For children with autism, the most appropriate is the technology in which different ways of learning are open for them - in the mass, and inclusive, and in special institutions, and in the group / class for ASD, depending on the level of development of the child and the request of parents. At the same time, the educational route of such children can be staged, which makes it possible to switch from a lightweight to a complicated form of education for both the child and teachers. Conclusions.Thus, the organization and implementation of the educational process for an autistic child is a multisystem process that can only be achieved if the members of the multidisciplinary support group are able to work together to develop a comprehensive technology for the child, purposefully implement it, track the dynamics of the success of this process and make the necessary adjustments for increase its effectiveness.


Autism spectrum disorder, correction, training, support, technology, a comprehensive model of education and support

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144161792   |   DOI: 10.25146/1995-0861-2019-49-3-138

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