Analysis of trends and prospects for the development of the global liquefied natural gas market

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The work is devoted to the study of the main trends and prospects for the development of the global liquefied natural gas market. The article identifies the main importers (India, Spain, China, Taiwan, France, South Korea and Japan) and exporters (Australia, Qatar, Malaysia, Nigeria, Russia and the USA) LNG. It is concluded that Qatar, the United States and Russia have significant potential to increase the production of liquefied natural gas. Qatar has already begun construction of two new LNG plants - «North Field East» and «North Field South» with a total capacity of 66 billion m³. In the USA, the construction of the «Golden Pass LNG» plant with a capacity of 22 billion m³ is underway, and it is also planned to increase the capacity of three already functioning plants. In the Russian Federation, the project of PJSC «Novatek» - «Arctic LNG 2» is in the active stage of implementation, the plant’s capacity will amount to 27.3 billion m³, and decisions have also been made on the implementation of a number of other projects in the near future. At the same time, Australia is the world leader in LNG exports by the end of 2021, in the short term, due to the significantly increased demand for natural gas within the country, it will not be able to increase the volume of supplies to foreign markets.


Liquefied natural gas, extraction, export, import, russian federation

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IDR: 142236254   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2493

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