The anatomical structure of vegetative organs of Rorippaxanceps (Cruciferae)

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The anatomy of the stem, roots and leaves of the middle formation in individuals generative period Rorippa × anceps growing under the southern taiga subzone of the Kirov region is described. The stem is made in the basal part, above the hollow. Basal internodes metameres covered periderm. The stem has a bundles structure initially, later becomes nepuchkovym. Vascular bundles opened, collateral. The main and adventitious roots are of secondary anatomical structure. In them are singled out periderm, cortical parenchyma and vascular cylinder. In addition to supporting function the roots is strengthened to stock. Leaf blades with anisocytic type of stomatal apparatus in the lower epidermis, bifacially. Anatomy of the vegetative organs Rorippa × anceps characterized as the following regularities. The presence of permeates the whole plant system of intercellular spaces; cuticle on the epidermis of the stem and leaves; a large number of reserve nutrients in cortical parenchyma and core; characterized by an optimal ratio of the mechanical and conductive tissues in the stem and root. Features of the internal structure indicate that individuals adapt to growing on sandy loam soils with moderately and highly variable moisture.


Rorippa×anceps, anatomy, stem, root, leaf, cell

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IDR: 148204531

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