Testing of hybrid technology using powdered sorbent to obtain drinking quality water during periods of deterioration in water source indicators

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To date, the purification of natural water to a drinking level is almost an impossible task. The constant deterioration of water quality in the surface water source is associated with both man- made discharges and an insufficient degree of wastewater treatment for both municipal and industrial purposes. Not always available technologies at the treatment plant are able to work effectively during flood periods, periods of “flowering” of water, as well as cope with short-term discharges. Insufficient degree of purification affects both the organoleptic characteristics of the water and the operational characteristics of the equipment used. The article provides an overview of technologies that are used to improve the quality of drinking water. When choosing a technology, cleaning efficiency, capital costs for technology implementation, as well as installation time are taken into account. Based on these criteria, the “carbonation” method was selected and tested on a developed and designed laboratory mock-up installation. Based on the laboratory results obtained, this method was tested at a water treatment plant. The paper presents the results of pilot tests and describes in detail the effect of the “carbonation” method on the main indicators of water quality at critical moments of purification.


Hybrid technology, carbonization method, drinking water, powdered adsorbent

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/146282843

IDR: 146282843

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