Arguments and objects of bibliosophia: space, logos, media

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The article is devoted to the systematization of the philosophical problems of the bibliosphere. Space, Logos and Media are defined as the main bibliosophia objects. Space is understood as a combination of all realities existing in time and space and capable of serving the object of thinking. The structure of Space is presented in accordance with Karl Popper hypothesis about the existence of three worlds. Bibliologos is defined as a collective mind of a civilized society and as a productive force, providing the creation, preservation, use of book culture. Much attention is paid to practical and theoretical media examinations, the founder of which is Marshall Mcluhan. Practical media communication is carried out by socio-cultural institutions of journalism and mass communications, institutions of public education and institutions of librarianship and bibliography. Scientific knowledge of the media is provided by research teams specializing in the field of mediaculture, medialogy, mediaphilosophy. Adoption of a political strategy for the development of librarianship in the Russian Federation, in the period up to 2030, becomes strained a need to develop the formula of Bibliosophia to achieve a satisfactory scientific and philosophical level of this policy document.


Bibliography, bibliologos, bibliosphere, library, bookstudy, communication, space, logos, media, medialogy, mediaculture, mediacommunication, media education, Russia, strategy, philosophy, formula

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