Archaeological research of the VI quarry of Gorbunovsky peat bogs (Middle Urals) in 1927 (based on data from excavations by D. N. Eding)

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Purpose: Article is devoted to materials of research VI Section of the Gorbunovsky peat bogs, carried out by D. N. Eding in 1927. The peat bogs is located in Sverdlovsk region (140 km to an nord from Yekaterinburg). In a complex with materials of modern researches stratigraphic position and dating of occupation layers of a object are analysed; complex of the finds executed from a stone and a tree, ceramics. Results: In 1927 on the VI Section 219 sq. m were investigated, four occupation layers are recorded: early Iron Age, late and early Bronze, early metal. Complexity of a partition of these cultural horizons is connected with lack of sterile layers between them. The concentration of finds observed directly over, at level and under wooden constructions, marks probably the periods of their intensive construction and use. Layers poorly sated with finds can reflect incidental visits of the territory of a site. The layer of the early Iron Age is accompanied by small quantity of the finds, connected with economic activity, and aren't marked by any constructions. During of late Bronze Age on a site probably any wooden constructions, most likely, almost completely burned down, with small fragments of the remained designs were built. It is difficult to define their functional orientation, it isn't enough finds. However considering the detection facts in this layer in an excavation of 1926, nearby, a large number of clay plates, including with the stylized ornithomorphic images which have been obviously connected with ritual practice, their cult character isn't excluded. The main cultural horizon with a large number of finds, was accompanied by difficult wooden constructions with clay platforms, treats of early Bronze Age. With an era of early metal wooden constructions are connected a large number of the finds, lying in the lower part of peat deposits, on contact with sapropel. In constructions and occupation layers early Bronze Age and early metal anthropomorphous and ornitomorphic sculptures, in a complex with other data are found, it can indicate their cult character. Conclusion: Only it is difficult to determine design features of the revealed constructions of different eras by materials of excavation of 1927: they were parts of the constructions investigated on a site in the next years, probably were united by uniform architectural planning.


Ural, trans-ural, gorbunovsky peat bogs, functional purpose of a site, excavations d. n. eding 1927, complex of wooden buildings, stratigraphy, chronology, artifacts

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IDR: 147219050

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