Aspects of the impact of photovoltaic plants on the operation of rural electrical networks

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Photovoltaic installations affect their operation of rural electrical networks in a number of aspects, including losses, power quality, electrical safety, uniformity of the load schedule, and others. There is a need to assess this impact, adjust regulatory documents related to the use of photovoltaic installations, since the uncontrolled growth of their number and power in the structure of rural electrical networks can lead to failure of transformers and power lines, unauthorized voltage supply, and other negative consequences. There can also be, of course, a positive impact in terms of reducing the voltage deviation at remote consumers, improving the quality of electricity in terms of other indicators, and reducing electricity losses. The calculations performed for an example of an electrical network containing a 10/0.4 kV transformer substation, a 0.4 kV transmission line and a load in the form of a group of residential buildings have showed that the use of a PMT leads to a reduction in electricity losses in a power transformer and their cost by 10-12%. Peak power consumption is reduced by 6-8%. The unevenness of the load graph increases, which shows an increase in the value of its form factor from 1.111 to 1.184.


Photovoltaic installation, use of photovoltaic installations in rural electrical networks, influence of photovoltaic installations, no-load losses, transformer losses, loss reduction, uniformity of the load curve, electrical safety, connection of photovoltaic installations


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147241999

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