Bacterial seeding of skin wounds in sheep at different treatment methods in comparative aspect

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Regenerative processes in skin wound depends on the degree of microbial for semination wound surface. Based on our research into the treatment of skin wounds in sheep by proposed ways: an ad-hesive composition "Sulfacrylate", antiseptic solu-tion for the treatment of wounds in farm animals (RA), hydrophilic ointment based thermally modified sawdust (GMT) and spray "Terramycin" we found out that after injury to the skin, wounds were con-taminated by air and skin microflora, as well as rep-resentatives of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract in small quantities - 101 -104 CFU. After apply-ing adhesive compositions "Sulfacrylate", the pres-ence of conditionally pathogenic microflora on 7. 14 and 21 days it was found mainly in the form of monoculture. When using the GMT on 14 and 21 days the number of microbial bodies observed in concentrations of 101-104CFU. After applying spray "Terramycin" and RA microflora were present, mainly in associations with a large number of colo-ny forming units on the 3rd and 14th days. The use of bio adhesive and GMT reduces the multiplicity of treatments of wounds in sheep, due to the for-mation of a dense film, which prevents re-contamination, therefore the use of the adhesive composition "Sulfacrylate" and GMT, with this point of view, is more appropriate.


Wound process, skin wound, conditionally pathogenic microflora, sheep shearing, sheep, bacte-rial contamination, regeneration

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IDR: 14084618

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