Biochemical status of the body under experimental Ehrlich’s ascites carcinoma

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In the study the research of complex action of immunomodulators (Trametin, Befunginum, Cordy-cepsalcoholate) and chemotherapeutic preparation of Cyclophosphan was conducted. The object of research was the intertwined tumor of Ehrlich as-cites carcinoma (EAC). As experimental animals common male mice weighting 25-35 g aged 2-3 months were used. The purpose of the work con-sisted in studying the influence of application of immunomodulators in the complex with a chemo-therapeutic preparation on the immune status of laboratory animals. Animals were divided into 6 groups for the research. Double blood sampling was carried out after the experiment (on the tenth and the twentieth day of treatment) for blood bio-chemical parameters studying: ALT (Alanine transaminase), AST (Aspartate transaminase), BUN (Carbamide), CREA (Creatinine), TBIL (total bilirubin). The blood biochemical parameters were studied on the base of Irkutsk city veterinary clinic laboratory. At the first blood sampling (on the tenth day of treatment) unstable dynamics of the bio-chemical composition of blood was recorded. In 20 days after treatment the start positive dynamics of the biochemical composition of blood was recorded which showed significant curative effect. It was proved that immunomodulatory drugs had a gen-eral tonic effect and an antioxidant effect which positively influenced the immune status of an or-ganism; Cyclophosphan had a direct influence on the tumour but also an adverse effect on the overall condition of the organism due to toxic effect on separate internals (liver, kidneys and spleen) and on the organism as a whole. Basing on the con-ducted research a combination of immunomodula-tory drug Trametin on the basis of basidial fungus genus Trametes, Cyclophosphan was chosen.


Ehrlich's ascites carcinoma, immu-nomodulators, cyclophosphan, biochemical com-position of blood

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084711

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