Biodiversity of pathogenic mycobiota of woody plants leaves in Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS - especially protected natural territory

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Results of monitoring the biodiversity of pathogenic micobiota of woody plants leaves of Central Sibirian Botanic Garden SB RAS - especially protected natural territory are presented in article. The structure of pathogenic fungi including 98 species belonging to 2 divisions, 11 orders and 43 genera has been established. 16 species of fungi, little-known in the Siberian region are revealed. The list of micromycetes appearing periodically in the studied territory is provided. For the first time, Pleiochaeta setosa (Kirchn.) S. Hughes and Diplocarpon earlianum (Ellis & Everh.) F.A. Wolf have been found in new host plants. Development of polyphagous fungi is noted in North American introduced plants. Two species of micromycetes, one of which ( Cheiromycella foliicola U. Braun, Melnik & Tomosh.) is new to science and the other one ( Mycopappus alni (Dearn. & Barthol.) Redhead & G.P. White) is for the first time mentioned to Russia, have been described in the territory of CSBG SB RAS.


Especially protected natural territory, woody plant, arboretum, biodiversity, pathogenic micromycetes, leaves

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IDR: 148204444

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