More than a photo chronicle or an interrupted song

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The review analyzes «The photo chronicle of life and creativity of Ye. A. Evtushenko» - the second part of the 5th book of the multivolume chronicle of Ye. A. Evtushenko’s life and creativity. The main collection of the photographic documents consists of five parts. Each part corresponds with the timeframes of the published 5 books of the chronicles that have highlighted the poet’s life from 1932 till 1979. The authors have attempted to collect, attribute and systemize 589 photographs from the household archives of the family, friends and experts specializing in the life and creativity of Ye. A. Evtushenko, Russian and foreign informants including his own photographs. It has allowed the researchers to restore not only the all-encompassing portrait of Ye. A. Evtushenko, but also the visual epoch image in which a great Russian citizen lived and worked.


Ye. a. evtushenko, photo chronicle, source studies' base, visual epoch image

Короткий адрес:

ID: 170179670   |   DOI: 10.31443/2541-8874-2020-4-16-157-163
