Anthropogenic soils evaluation in the southwestern part of the Apsheron peninsula

Автор: Guliyeva Ye., Karimova Kh.

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.10, 2024 года.

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The results of obtaining rating points for technogenic soils in the southwestern part of the Apsheron Peninsula are presented. The results of the chemical composition of soils are presented. The rating points were calculated, and the main rating scale was constructed. Applying correction factors for particle size distribution, thickness, salinity and solonetz content, the final rating points were calculated, and the final rating scale was constructed.

Grey-brown soils, rating points, rating scale, anthropogenic soils

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IDR: 14129697   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/100/20

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