Craetion of parent material for breeding of spring soft wheat in Western Siberia

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Studies on the parental material of spring soft wheat created within the framework of KASIB international program by crossing the best varieties and lines of the gene pool of research institutions of Siberia, Kazakhstan and CIMMYT (Mexico). It is shown that exchange of breeding material makes possible the usage in hybridization of newpromising sources of valuable features from the world gene pool. Research on parental material created within the framework of breeding program shows their resistance to brown and stem rust and in 2012 it was managed to screen their resistance to draught. During 11 years research institutions of Western Siberia and Kazakhstan evaluated 4058 lines and populations and 921 crossing combinations. The best hybrid populations and lines bred as sources of valuable features and included into breeding process in the wheat breeding laboratory of Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin. In 2012 in seed breeding field - 1 more than 4000 lines of breeding material were tested, 264 lines in seed breeding filed - 2, in control seed field - 66 and 5 lines for initial variety testing. The tested and selected lines and valuable for breeding as parental material for breeding of varieties which are resistant to drought and diseases in Western Siberia.


Spring-sown soft field, shuttle selection, initial material, resistance to diseases, productivity

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IDR: 142198848

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