Polish population size and its structure in Western Siberia at the turn of XIX century

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The author of the article tries to estimate polish population size and its structure in Western Siberia at the turn of XIX century. The author considers polish population size, social stratification, age and gender composition using Census of Population files. The author concludes that the greatest concentration of the polish population was in West Siberian towns. Poles were concentrated in the most industrialized canters of Western Siberia. The Polish Diaspora was represented by a great number of noblemen. Male predominance among Polish population in Western Siberia was determined by their being newly comes. Educational level of the Poles was quite high. Socio-political upheavals caused by World War I and Civil War and foundation of the independent polish state led to repatriation of the Poles.


Polish population, western siberia, population size, census of population, repatriation, social stratification

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147219181

IDR: 147219181

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