A Tsentrobalt member: revising the revolutionary biography of a Sarapul-born maximalist

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The article addresses the problem of mastering the anthropological approach and the biographical method in studying the events of early Soviet history. This research aimed to reconstruct the life path of a member of the Central Committee of the Baltic Fleet (Tsentrobalt), one of the leaders of the Socialists-Revolutionaries Maximalists Pavel Agafangelovich Krasnopyorov, who was born in Sarapul Prikamye. The study relies on official documents, periodical press of the Russian Civil War period, sources of private origin, including protocols of the Red Guards and Red Partisans committees, publication in such Soviet, Red Army and party newspapers as Volya, Truzhenik and Borba, memoirs of Krasnopyorov’s wife A.D. Krasnopyorova-Egorova-Zamytskaya, memoirs of prisoners of the Death Barges P.M. Nevler and A. Ralnikovs and others. Many of sources were first introduced into scientific discourse. The materials and conclusions were compared with historiographic results obtained by other authors...


Early soviet history, Russia, tsentrobalt, prikamye, socialists-revolutionaries maximalists, biography, krasnopyorov

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14117168

IDR: 14117168   |   DOI: 10.36906/2311-4444/19-3/09

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