Digital transformation as an enhancement factor availability of sports services

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The purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of digital transformation on the availability of sports services and mass participation in physical education events in the context of innovative development of the socio-economic sphere. The features of the implementation of information and communication technologies in socially significant areas, the specifics of their integration and the relationship with strategic development programs are considered. The criteria for the availability of sports services for the general population, their interdependence and ways to improve the sports industry within the framework of the realities of complex digital transformation have been determined. A general description of the main directions of innovative improvement in the field of physical culture and sports is given, and key principles for maximizing the positive impact of digital transformation in the area under consideration are highlighted. The study is based on state programs adopted by the government of the Russian Federation, as well as the most relevant areas of innovative activity of commercial sports organizations.


Digital transformation, sports services, physical culture and sports, innovative development, information and communication technologies

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IDR: 142240967   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3498

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