Digital transformation as a stage of human capital improvement

Автор: Bokova A.А., Chukavin I.Yu., Yukhimets V.I., Alexandrova V.S., Repeva S.S.

Журнал: Вестник Алтайской академии экономики и права @vestnik-aael

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 6-2, 2021 года.

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Global trends in the development of digital technologies stimulate their developments through digital transformation for competitiveness and attractiveness to the buyer, for a stable position and responsiveness to the challenges of the external environment. Digital transformation is the process of introducing digital technologies into various areas of business. Digital transformation is not just the automation of processes and the introduction of new technologies, it is a deep transformation of services and products, proposed structural changes, the development of a digital development strategy, more detailed work for customers and the introduction of a new corporate culture. In 2020, almost 2 times more companies (compared to 2018) began to pay attention to the digital transformation process, approaching this in a systematic and purposeful manner. As they plan for change, leaders face the question of the resources they need to drive digital transformation. The article is devoted to one of the main resources of digital transformation – human capital. The implementation of digital transformation and, as a result, the overall result of the company depends on the involvement of all employees. Thus, investment in human capital is becoming a new driver for digital transformation, which is one of the priority stages of transformation of companies.


Soft skills, hard skills

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IDR: 142227854   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1760

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