Digitalization and problems of information society development within the context of traditional worldview concepts of Chinese philosophical schools
Автор: Badmayeva M.Kh., Zolkhoyeva M.V.
Журнал: Вестник Бурятского государственного университета. Философия @vestnik-bsu
Статья в выпуске: 4, 2024 года.
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The article analyzes the influence of the principles of holistic worldview traditional for China, harmoniously combining the ideas of Chinese Buddhism, which does not consider a human as the center of the universe, but insists on the indivisibility, syncretism, inseparability of individual consciousness and true existence. According to the Confucian concept of a harmonious society, the pillar of society is a ritual, a kind of system of «social etiquette» in which universal norms and standards of behavior and the traditions of legalism are encouraged, defending the thesis of the need to exercise power functions in the state based on a single law for all citizens that is actually identified with punishment. The article also covers the issues of the influence of holistic views on the processes of digitalization and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in China, as well as on their understanding by society and search for solutions. We believe that the traditional holistic type of thinking inherent in Chinese culture, the dominant non-anthropocentric view of the world due to Chinese philosophical schools may have contributed to some extent to the accelerated implementation of AI systems in Chinese society, which initially overlooked the importance of existential risks accompanying the process of applying AI in social practice. However, the negative consequences of the hasty implementation of AI led to the fact that Chinese society gradually realized the need for a balanced and cautious approach to the use of new technologies, the importance and necessity of deep understanding the problems arising from it and developing a new AI management strategy taking into account possible risks and threats to humans and society.
Chinese society, digitalization, holism, artificial intelligence systems, social credit, chinese philosophy, ai ethics
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148330169 | DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2024-4-9-19