The digitalization of the reproduction of exchange and household consumption

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The state of the digital economy in the context of interaction between the spheres of production exchange and consumption is studied. Insufficient justification of state measures for the introduction of digital technologies and communication tools, lack of strict monitoring and planning of the resulting effect of the implementation of measures, and a shortage of qualified personnel in the field of engineering and telecommunications technologies were identified. A low level of equipment among the population with electronic equipment was found due to their high cost and insufficiency. The weak activity of the population in the use of Internet technologies is shown. Households are classified according to the availability of durable goods, namely, equipment for remote purchases, depending on their income and whether they have children. There is a lack of knowledge in the field of information technology in households by place of residence and gender. The weak dynamics of e-Commerce development through low turnover rates of retail trade in Internet purchases, and as a consequence, the definition of the non-food trade industry as the most affected during the pandemic, was established. Measures are proposed to develop the digitalization of Russian content in terms of Federal programs that take into account the characteristics of households, their financial capabilities and training.


Digitalization, households, shopping, e-commerce, internet

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IDR: 142223631   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1193

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