Digital ruble: some results of the introduction of a new form of monetary circulation

Бесплатный доступ

The author analyzes the results of the implementation of a large-scale project of the Bank of Russia to introduce the digital ruble as a new form of money circulation. It focuses on the objective need to introduce a digital ruble due to the development of the digital economy in Russia. He notes the positive aspects of the use of the digital ruble in monetary circulation. Identifies the contradictions associated with the regulatory legal regulation of the digital form of the ruble. Proposes to adapt civil and banking legislation to the introduction of the digital ruble into monetary circulation.

Digital currency of the central bank, digital ruble as a third form of money circulation, financial technologies in the banking sector, digital ruble

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170196068   |   DOI: 10.24412/2072-4098-2022-12255-76-81

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