Digital technologies as a factor in ensuring competitiveness in agricultural production

Автор: Obukhova A.S., Kolmykova T.S., Kazarenkova N.P., Chistyakova M.K., Saiymova M.D.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (97), 2022 года.

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The article discusses the use of digital technologies, which contributes to the expansion of the scale of agricultural development. When introducing digital technologies, special attention is paid to consumer changes affecting macroeconomic indicators. It should be noted that increasing the competitiveness of the agricultural sector contributes to its support from the state, there is a digital modernization of production. Digital technologies (Internet of Things, cloud technologies, artificial intelligence) make it possible to control the full cycle of crop production or animal husbandry. In modern conditions, when foreign policy measures have directly affected the development of the economy and all sectors, own production is a top priority for both agricultural producers and the state as a whole. It became obvious that without the introduction of digital technologies, agriculture will not be able to reach a competitive level and ensure food security. Despite the serious pace of development of the Russian agro-industrial complex in recent years, there are still issues in the industry that require a comprehensive solution. One of the key factors in increasing the competitiveness of the industry is the active introduction of digital technologies, which will ensure both high rates of production development and an increase in employment, an increase in personnel motivation for work. Modern agro-industrial production places high demands on the professional level of employees who must be able to adapt to changing working and production conditions, have high professional mobility, and be able to work with complex equipment. It is impossible to ensure the stable development of the region and the economy as a whole without a systematic solution to this problem. With the help of digital technologies, operational decisions are made for the implementation of the activities of agricultural organizations. So, with the use of the Internet of Things in the agro-industrial complex, the work of equipment in the fields is monitored, which allows you to save fuel and lubricants. The use of artificial intelligence helps to reduce the burden on agribusiness organizations and frees them from a number of operations.


Digitalization of the agro-industrial complex, digital technologies in the agro-industrial complex, technologies for the industry-specific purpose of the agro-industrial complex, technologies for the general purpose of the agro-industrial complex


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147238430   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2022.4.112

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