Activities of peasant self-government bodies in Western Siberia (1898-1917)

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The article analyzes the activities of peasant self-government bodies in Western Siberia in the early twentieth century. The following archival materials were used: documents of volost government and assemblies; the audit results of the bodies of peasants self-governments; reports of permanent members of the office of Peasant Affairs; various circulars and orders of higher authorities. In the research great importance was given to the study of laws, primarily «Regulations on the Reform of the Public Governance of State Peasants in Western Siberia», «Provisional Regulations on Peasant Superiors», etc. Specific information on the activities of peasant self-government bodies can be found in the local periodicals. All together these sources allow to highlight typical problems that existed at the lowest level of governance. The article draws special attention to the state of the volost and community administrations as well as the quality of the officials and the supervision functions of peasant superiors...


Self-government, peasants, administration, local government, western siberia

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IDR: 14117051

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