Cash bonuses for the workers and engineers of the defense enterprises of Novosibirsk in the years of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

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The article examines the practice of awarding of the main categories of industrial personnel from the leadership of the defense enterprises of Novosibirsk during the war. Attention is paid to analysis of conditions of payment, the size of premiums and its differentiation among the workers and technical workers. The author concludes that at military plants was an extensive set of bonus schemes to create employees' additional material incentives to work. Factories and plants' managers used the pre-war years' practice of bonuses, this practice was actively applied at the defense industry works, which have been created or enlarged due to evacuated powers. However, the role of premiums in stimulating Novosibirsk workers and engineers in comparison with the industry of the USSR as a whole was less significant, that is caused by high dynamics of growth of wages in Western Siberia.


Great patriotic war, workers, prize, defense enterprises

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147219162

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