Didactic potential of digital educational resources to develop temporal representations in senior preschool children with mild mental retardation

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Statement of the problem. Currently, there is a trend of digitalization of educational practice, including preschool education for children with health limitations (hereinafter HL). This determines the relevance of the development of digital educational resources (hereinafter DER). This development is determined by the need to disclose the DER didactic potential in the educational activities of preschool children. The purpose of the article is to reveal the didactic potential of DER in the formation of temporal representations in senior preschool children with mild mental retardation. The methodology (materials and methods) of research is based on the theoretical provisions of developmental learning, the laws of mental development in normal and impaired children, the requirements of normative legal acts, the analysis of foreign (S. Parsons, K. Guldberg, K. Porayska-Pomsta, J. Marsh, E. Wood, L. Chesworth, B. Nisha, etc.) and Russian scientists (N.N. Glazkova, O.I. Kukushkina, V.N. Mogileva, V.V. Klyputenko, etc.) on the use of DER in the educational practice of children with normative development and with disabilities, including scientific positions reflecting the need to develop and use information technology in the education of preschool children (M. Prensky, V. Vangsnes, R. Zevenbergen, S. de Castell, J. Jenson, etc.). Research results. In the course of the analysis the following results are presented: the essence of the concept of temporal representations is revealed; the structure of the digital game is characterized and the positive aspects of the use of these technologies in education are highlighted, based on the experience of implementing these resources both in Russian and Western countries; the didactic potential of DER with its structural components based on the requirements of regulatory legal acts and laws of mental development in senior preschoolers with mild mental retardation is revealed. Conclusion. The analysis conducted in the course of the study has revealed the didactic potential of DER for the formation of temporal representations in senior preschool children with mild mental retardation. This, in its turn, allows us to identify further prospects in the development of DER for this nosological group of children.


Digital educational resources, digital games, temporal representations, senior preschoolers with mild mental retardation

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144161929

IDR: 144161929   |   DOI: 10.25146/1995-0861-2021-56-2-267

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