Diffusion and containment factors of innovative technology for obtaining building materials from phosphogypsum in the industry

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The article is devoted to innovations, their relevance, influence on the development of production, factors accelerating the process of diffusion of innovations. These and other issues are considered on the example of creating an innovative technology for the production of high-quality building materials from production waste. The definitions of innovation diffusion and innovations are indicated. The concept of the diffusion process is given. The influence of information standards on the innovation diffusion has been detected. The factors accelerating the diffusion of an innovative product are shown. A hierarchical structure of the influence of factors has been built. The priorities in this structure were drawn up regarding the promotion of innovative building materials made on the basis of recycled waste from various industries. It was found that the introduction of innovations in the construction industry is extremely necessary, but the process is not active enough. A unique and efficient way of recycling waste into high-quality building materials makes significant contribution to the development and diffusion of innovative technologies in the construction industry. On the basis of the hierarchical structure indicated earlier, a formula is proposed for assessing the rate of introduction of innovative building materials from recycled waste into production. The developed model determines the dynamics of innovation implementation factors over time. In addition, categories of consumers are indicated in the innovation diffusion model. The characteristics of each of these groups are given. It has been determined that most of the consumers of innovations purchase a product at an early stage of its implementation. Thus, it is important for advertiser of the designers of innovative products to have trailblazers who would trigger the diffusion process. Research findings can be applied to promote innovation in the construction industry.


Innovative technologies, innovation diffusion, construction materials, construction industry, phosphogypsum

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142225143

IDR: 142225143   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1484

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