Documentary film-investigation: manipulation or impartiality?

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Purpose. The television film “Ukraine. Revolution masks” (directed by Paul Moreira, France, 2016), which main genre characteristics are comparable to journalistic investigation, is analyzed as a part of a documentary film as a whole. Results. Various points of view on objectivity / subjectivity of documentaries authors are covered. Ambiguous critics and audience’s reaction to the designated film investigation is explained by the interpretation distinction of the last. Conclusion. The Dogme film objectivity principles in terms of the Danish director Lars von Trier being assumed as basic, it is proved that the aspiration to follow these principles doesn’t rid the director of some plugola manifested in the use of a number of manipulative strategies and also of the psychological bluff, which are common in mass media.


Documentary / dogme film, film investigation, interpretation, manipulation, manipulative strategy, psychological bluff

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IDR: 147220139   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2019-18-6-92-103

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