The Russian society's trust in the mass media: current state and development prospects

Автор: Ermakova Svetlana Sergeyevna

Журнал: Общество: политика, экономика, право @society-pel

Рубрика: Политика

Статья в выпуске: 12, 2016 года.

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The article deals with the problem of Russian public's trust in the media. The indicator of institutional trust describes the degree of social and political stability in the country. In this regard, in many countries, including Russia, from time to time there is a monitoring aimed to identify the population's attitude to the various institutions of the society, including the mass media. By analyzing the dynamics of the Russian society's trust in the mass media in 2001-2016, the author considers three scenarios of its further development.

Power, public administration, institutional trust, society, political order, mass media, level of trust

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