Spiritual and moral upbringing of preschool children in the context of cultural traditions of peoples of Russia

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This study is devoted to the issue of spiritual and moral upbringing of preschool children as the most relevant trend of the Russian state policy. Moral priorities and social values are gained through historical experience of several generations and are reflected in family, cultural, social, historical and religious traditions. Spiritual and moral upbringing of children, i.e. their social awareness, spiritual and moral formation, is a complex process. It is impossible to approach this issue without coordinating the activities of all stakeholders involved in the educational process. The fundamentals of spiritual and moral culture of an individual are developed during preschool age when a child interacts with the environment relying on his or her natural need in perception, experience, assessment, and understanding. However, some children and parents reject certain moral values that are common in our society. Significant interpenetration and interconnection of cultures increases the risk of upsetting the balance between the national and international, between old and new cultural components of a particular ethnic group...


Spirituality, spiritual and moral upbringing, tradition, fairy tale, folk doll

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14116876

IDR: 14116876

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