Two new eclipsing systems in Cepheus constellation

Автор: Shendel Artem Sergeyevich, Veselkov Sergey Aleksandrovich, Lapukhin Yevgeniy Gennadyevich

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Математика, механика, информатика

Статья в выпуске: 3 (55), 2014 года.

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In this work we describe the method of variable stars search, which is based on the analysis of distribution of a standard deviation of magnitude of stars from magnitude (software VaST and C-Munipack). We present the equipment on which the observation for search was received as well. Our observations have been performed in Krasnoyarsk with a Hamilton telescope (D = 400 mm, F = 915 mm) equipped with an FLI ML9000 CCD chip (3056x3056 pixels, pixel size 12 μm). The size of the fields taken is 2.3 x 2.3. All our CCD-observations were obtained without a filter. All images were obtained with 30-second exposure times. MaxImDL software was used for photometry and for basic reductions for dark current, flat fields and bias. The magnitudes were referred to red magnitudes of comparison stars from the USNO-A2.0 catalog (Monet et al. 1998). In this article we present two new eclipsing binary stars. They were discovered, using own CCD-observation and software C-Munipack. Periods were derived using the WinEfk software provided by V. P. Goranskij. The coordinates in the Table are from the USN0-A2.0 catalog. Stars 2MASS 22065429+6059580 and USNO-A21425-12666148 have types of variability of EW and EA respectively. The photometry of star 2MASS 22065429+6059580 had been with star 2MASS 22065444+6100029 together because their location nearby. General properties of variability for new variable stars: maximum and minimum of magnitude, epochs of the main minima, periods of change of light, we constructed the curves of light to one period, we present chart of sky near new variable stars are presentd. We give a short analysis of the results as well.


Eclipsing binary variable stars, lafler-kinman's method

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IDR: 148177272

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