ESG principles and green economy: problems and development prospects

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He most important component of the successful development of the economy of any state is environmental safety. This can be explained by the fact that natural resources are being used faster than they can be renewed. The level of environmental pollution is significantly increasing, which has a negative impact on the natural balance, leads to climate change, and the destruction of ecological systems. Ensuring environmental safety requires an increase in the volume of “green” investments, that is, financial resources aimed at reducing the negative impact of human economic activity on the environment. This is a necessary condition for improving the quality of life of society, ensuring social justice and reducing environmental risks. The scientific article examines the priority directions of the development of the «green» economy in accordance with the goals defined by the UN International Environment Program; defines the role of ESG principles in the development of the «green» economy. Based on the data of the UNEA environmental report, an analysis of the composition and structure of «green» investments in «green» energy and energy conservation, «green» transport, «green» construction, natural capital, «green» R&D.



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IDR: 142240361   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3356

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