Natural regeneration of Pinus sylvestris L. on the dumps of coal industry of Kuzbass

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The formation of vegetation cover in the territo-ries broken by coal mining is one of the main fac-tors at the return of dumps to biological circulation. For the accounting of the quantity of seeds of ordi-nary pine the dumps getting on a surface, "se-menomer" were applied. By measurements of the contamination of the surface of dumps it was estab-lished that the greatest number of seeds of ordinary pine for years of researches was revealed in the northern forest-steppe (0.7-2.2 thousand piec-es/hectare), the smallest quantity (0.1-0.3 thou-sand pieces/hectare) was in the conditions of the southern forest-steppe. Such indicators of dumps contamination are much lower, than in natural land-scapes of forest-steppe zone. The greatest number of subgrowth of Pinus sylvestris is revealed on the dumps of northern forest-steppe zone (7.3-10.7 thousand units/hectare), in mountain and taiga subband (1.6-1.95 thousand units /hectare) and the least of all was on the dumps of southern for-est-steppe (0.1-0.25 thousand units /hectare). Thus the main share of subgrowth was recorded in favorable ecological conditions of dumps. On the scale of the assessment of natural renewal of V.G. Nesterov, satisfactory renewal was on the dumps of northern forest-steppe, in the southern forest-steppe and mountain and taiga subband the renewal was bad. In terms of the number and height sapling of Pinus sylvestris the best indicator is the outer zone of phytogenic field in the planta-tions of pine with a crown close to 30 %. These materials can be used to develop the technology for identifying dump sites where due to satisfactory seeding and renewal of the main forest-forming species there is no need for forest reclamation ac-cording to classically accepted schemes which may reduce the costs of remediation work.


Natural reforestation, dump, seeds, phytogenic field, sub-growth, semenomer

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IDR: 140224178

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